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sarah.boyd's blog

What makes for a successful science learner?

Blog post: What makes for a successful science learner?

In the first of our new blog, Thinking about science education, Ally Bull aims to start a conversation about the place of science in a future-focused school curriculum. Ally is a former senior researcher at NZCER and now consultant, with deep knowledge and expertise in science education, future-focused learning and professional learning for teachers.

In the first of our new blog, Thinking about science education, Ally Bull considers the place of science in a future-focused school curriculum. Ally is a former senior researcher at NZCER and now consultant, with deep knowledge and expertise in science education, future-focused learning and professional learning for teachers.

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Trusting the evidence

Trusting the evidence

This blog post considers what makes an effective cycle of inquiry in schools. The evidence-based cycle of inquiry is the engine that drives improvement to teaching and learning in classrooms and in school-wide initiatives (Timperley et al, 2010).  Research says this is how you make a difference.

Teachers making decisions about their students’ achievements based on a range of sources of evidence is the cornerstone of an effective cycle of inquiry in any school. The evidence-based cycle of inquiry is the engine that drives improvement to teaching and learning in classrooms and in school-wide initiatives (Timperley et al, 2010).  Research says this is how you make a difference.

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Planning when to assess

Planning when to assess

Schools often ask  when they should use standardised  testing.  Twice a year?  Once a year ?  Here are a few questions to consider.

Schools often ask  when they should use standardised  testing.  Twice a year?  Once a year ? There is no definitive answer, just a few questions, which, when answered by the school, will make choosing the time of year to assess more logical.

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