'I only think of the men ... I don't think of the women'
As they did ordinary class work teacher and children were observed and every word recorded. From this mountain of data come startling and disturbing facts no one can ignore.
As they did ordinary class work teacher and children were observed and every word recorded. From this mountain of data come startling and disturbing facts no one can ignore.
Many years of patient research have discovered how new ideas get formed, embedded, and remembered at the 8- to 12-year-old level. The conclusions are vital for all teaching.
It’s a great pleasure for me to launch The Hidden Lives of Learners, a book which distils and clearly expresses the fruits of Professor Graham Nuthall’s outstanding academic career.
Over half a century Graham Nuthall pioneered research into how students learn, how teachers teach, and what happens between a student and a teacher.
Graham realised how little we knew about what characterises good teaching and good learning. He looked at learning from students’ perspectives. He believed that education should be student-focused, personalised and student driven.