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Sarah Boyd

Sarah is Communications Manager at NZCER.<br />
Contact: <a href="">Sarah Boyd</a><br />
Phone: 04 802 1468

The changing face of Fruit in Schools: Technical report

Rachel Dingle, Edith Hodgen, Sally Boyd, Jacob Shapleski, Julian King and Michelle Moss
Year published: 
Publication type: 
Research report
NZCER and Health Outcomes International for the Ministry of Health
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National Standards

The National party introduced a policy of National Standards in reading, writing and mathematics for primary-aged students when it became the government in 2008. Draft standards were released for consultation in May 2009 and the standards introduced at the beginning of the 2010 school year.

NZCER has been involved with the National Standards in a number of ways. For example, in November 2008, we wrote a position paper which set down the underlying principles we felt were important and outlined the international experience and the potential pitfalls of national standards.

Contact person: 
Sarah Boyd


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