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Key Competencies
Key Competencies
The "something more" in key competencies
This article explores how the key competency thinking links with 21st century views of teaching and learning.
Thinking about the key competencies in the light of the intention to foster lifelong learning
Why has the Curriculum Marautanga Project chosen the competencies of relating to others, managing self, participating and contributing, thinking, and using language, symbols, and texts? Why now and what next?
This article overviews the background to the development of the key competencies, and looks at their connections with the previous essential skills framework.
Some musings about the links between formative assessment and the development of key competencies
Using assessment information formatively to contribute to teaching skills and knowledge that underpin the key competencies. The example used is from a study of 600 student scripts answering questions on the water cycle.
This Assessment News article explores the possibilities for "noticing" when there are opportunities for providing feedback about key competencies as students are learning in subject areas. The context discussed is a model used for demonstrating evaporation to science students.
Learning to "be" in a new century: reflections on a curriculum in transition
If "research" is the answer, what was the question?
This article, the fourth of a series about student research activities, examines the underlying reasons why it is important for students to have rich opportunities to carry out research-related activities. The author discusses the nature of research as enquiry, identifies some common themes in advocacy for future-focused education, and links them to the key competencies currently being introduced into the New Zealand curriculum.