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Science education

Science education

Making school science personally relevant

Blog post: Making school science personally relevant

In the third of her series on the place of science in a future-focused curriculum, Ally Bull explores the idea of making school science personally relevant.


In the third of her series on the place of science in a future-focused curriculum, Ally Bull explores the idea of making school science personally relevant.

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Science and certainty

Blog post: science and certainty

In the second in her series on the place of science in a future-focused curriculum, Ally Bull explores the idea of science and certainty.

In the second in her series on the place of science in a future-focused curriculum, Ally Bull explores the idea of science and certainty.

Science is science regardless of how you approach it. That’s kind of the nice thing about science – it’s true regardless of how you feel about it.

There is always a right answer. English and the arts were a bit airy fairy for me. I really liked having an answer. It’s really satisfying.

I liked chemistry and maths because in those subjects you found the answer.

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What makes for a successful science learner?

Blog post: What makes for a successful science learner?

In the first of our new blog, Thinking about science education, Ally Bull aims to start a conversation about the place of science in a future-focused school curriculum. Ally is a former senior researcher at NZCER and now consultant, with deep knowledge and expertise in science education, future-focused learning and professional learning for teachers.

In the first of our new blog, Thinking about science education, Ally Bull considers the place of science in a future-focused school curriculum. Ally is a former senior researcher at NZCER and now consultant, with deep knowledge and expertise in science education, future-focused learning and professional learning for teachers.

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Environmental education in New Zealand schools: Research update 2015

Rachel Bolstad, Chris Joyce and Rosemary Hipkins
Year published: 
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Research report
Ministry of Education
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