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Ka hoki tāua ki te whare huri ai ē!

Finalist, Te Reo Māori /Māori Language, Ngā Kupu Ora Aotearoa Māori Book Awards 2015

ISBN: 978-1-927231-46-3


This collection of essays explores histories, people and places of significance, and takes the reader into the oral arts, including haka, karakia, and waiata. It is a valuable, instructive and entertaining read for students, speakers and readers of te reo Māori, and an important addition to secondary and tertiary libraries.

Ko tā te whare, ko tā te rohe rānei, he whakaohooho ake i ngā mea kua moe roa ki roto i a koe. Ka titiro atu koe ki tētahi mea, ki tētahi whenua, ki tētahi awa, ki tētahi kāinga, ki tētahi tangata ka hokia mai anō aua whakaaro me ngā āhuatanga i kite ai koe i te wā i a koe e tamariki ana. Ka tīkina atu e koe i roto i te hinengaro, i roto i ōu mahara, ka whakaohoohotia ake e koe. Koirā te wā kua ihi, kua wehi mai ki roto i a koe. Kai roto i tēneki pukapuka e kitea ai te wairua o te kupu, a tēnā kaiwhakairo i te kupu, whakaniko i te kupu ātaahua o roto mai i te rohe o Matāatua.

Te ihirangi

Te hā o tōku oranga: Oho ake ana ahau i taku moe ...

Nā Te Rānui Arthur Black 

Ngā taonga a Tāne-whakapiripiri

Nā Parearau Nikora 

Te haka taparahi a Tūhoe 

Nā Te Mākarīni Temara 

Ngā āhuatanga matua mō te tito haka tū tauā

Nā Haturini McGarvey 

He karere ki taku tamāhine aroha a Awekura-o-te-rangi

Nā Robert Ruha 

He waiata poi: Te whenua kura

Nā Rāwiri Tinirau 

He koha kī nā ngā tīpuna: He mātauranga tuku iho

Nā Rapata Wiri 

Te manu rangatira te kererū

Nā Niniwa Short 

He kōrero tuku iho 

Nā Agnes Jean McFarland 

Ka tū au ka korikori ... 

Nā Taiarahia Black