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Research into the use of Beginning School Mathematics shows that the resource must be used flexibly and creatively in order to achieve the best mathematics learning amongst junior school children.
| Year published: 1997 | Publication type: Journal article | Publisher: NZCER Press | Content type: Set article
Teaching is one of the professions where dissatisfaction with various aspects of preparation for the profession as well as the on-going professional practice has stimulated a range of changes and...
| Year published: 1997 | Publication type: Journal article | Publisher: NZCER Press | Content type: Set article
How high and low achieving students view small-group work, and its effect on their performance.
| Year published: 1996 | Publication type: Journal article | Publisher: NZCER Press | Content type: Set article
Today's learners do not need to be confined to the traditional classroom setting, thanks to new interactive telecommunications technologies. The implications of being in the "Information Age" are far...
| Year published: 1996 | Publication type: Journal article | Publisher: NZCER Press | Content type: Set article
Flexible seating arrangements to suit all types of learning.
| Year published: 1995 | Publication type: Journal article | Publisher: NZCER Press | Content type: Set article
In 'A Day at the Races' in set No. 1 this year, it was shown that our ability to do complex mental tasks in real life does not depend on our IQ. But such knowledge does not transfer to strange...
| Year published: 1994 | Publication type: Journal article | Publisher: NZCER Press | Content type: Set article
What is good thinking? Creative thinking is always a pleasure. Critical thinking tends to get a bad press, but it is just as necessary. Here it is carefully analysed, and research adds insights on...
| Year published: 1994 | Publication type: Journal article | Publisher: NZCER Press | Content type: Set article
In four different countries, including our own, the same problems keep cropping up - children do not connect simple tasks, such as sharing, with the written fractions they meet in class. Research and...
| Year published: 1994 | Publication type: Journal article | Publisher: NZCER Press | Content type: Set article
Many years of patient research have discovered how new ideas get formed, embedded, and remembered at the 8- to 12-year-old level. The conclusions are vital for all teaching.
| Year published: 1994 | Publication type: Journal article | Publisher: NZCER Press | Content type: Set article
The extreme methods (competition and laissez faire) are examined and research results mentioned. Her own research study of what children prefer, points to a middle way, focusing children's attention...
| Year published: 1994 | Publication type: Journal article | Publisher: NZCER Press | Content type: Set article