This online manual is a guide for teachers in the use of Te Reo Māori: Online Language Assessment. You can also access these information pages from the NZCER Marking website.
The Te Reo Māori assessment has been designed for students in Years 4 to 9 who are learning te reo Māori in English-medium settings. The assessment is based on a bank of questions drawn from the level 1 to 3 achievement objectives of the te reo Māori curriculum, Te Aho Arataki Marau mō te Ako i Te Reo Māori.
The manual includes:
- instructions on how teachers access and administer the assessment, and interpret students’ results
- information about the questions in the assessment and their links to te reo Māori in The New Zealand Curriculum, specifically the te reo Māori curriculum guidelines, Te Aho Arataki Marau mō te Ako i Te Reo Māori.
- a description of how the assessments assess students’ knowledge of te reo Māori
- information about how NZCER conducted the research to create a measurement scale for this assessment
- advice on how to use the reports for analysing students’ thinking and how to support next steps.
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