set 1978 : no. 2

One of the most persistent and frustrating challenges facing those concerned with specific learning disability is to formulate a definition that will serve the needs of teachers, parents and the children who may be handicapped in that way. Even in the United States, where most of the research goes on, there is no single, accepted definition so it is hardly surprising, therefore, that we, in this country, lack the guide lines and indicators that will help us identify and better understand… Read more

Studies of spelling are not particularly numerous in New Zealand, the 2 standard bibliographies listing no more than 20 completed during the last 50 years. All but two of these studies appeared before 1970, and only five are more recent than 1960. The majority are diploma of education investigations, interred in university libraries and rarely, if ever, consulted. Of the others a handful have achieved, quite recently, in the context of the debate over falling standards, a position of some… Read more

Why do students think teachers include poetry in the English curriculum? What aspects of poetry do they say teachers stress? Do the opinions of students and teachers on these matters coincide?
During 1978 an attempt was made to answer these questions, as a small part of a larger investigation into the perceptions and feelings of fifth form English teachers and their students about poetry and poets, and into some aspects of the teaching and evaluation of fifth form poetry.

Last August, 1600 delegates from 35 countries assembled in Adelaide for the 23rd World Congress of the International Society for Education through Art (lNSEAl. It was a memorable event for Australia, and for this part of the world, and one in which more than 60 New Zealanders were able to take part. The programme included 14 key-note addresses, at least 150 other talks, papers or seminars, innumerable workshops, film premieres, exhibitions, dance presentations, mimes and other performances… Read more

Going to school is an important milestone in a child's life and it is a major event for the parents too. How should you prepare your child for school? How can you prepare yourself? We asked some teachers and parents for their views, and based this guide on that information. But remember that teachers and parents are all different, so while what is said will be true of most teachers or parents it won't be true of all.