Research projects

NZCER research projects are initiatives that encompass multiple outputs over a longer period of time. This may include our own Te Pae Tawhiti or Te Wāhanga research, as well as multi-year projects on behalf of clients. You can find many of our recent projects below. 

Completed research projects

Title Contact person(s)
Aotearoa New Zealand's histories and Te Takanga o te Wā
Children’s experiences of learning at home through COVID-19 Sue McDowall
Competencies in NZC Rosemary (Rose) Hipkins MNZM
Competent Learners Cathy Wylie
Curriculum for the Future Rachel Bolstad
Evaluation of the Teach First NZ programme pilot
Exploring learning-partnerships using Growing Up in New Zealand (GUiNZ) longitudinal data Elliot Lawes
Future focussed issues in education Rachel Bolstad
Games for Learning Rachel Bolstad
He Tīrewa  Ako  Sheridan McKinley
Impact of education reforms Cathy Wylie
Inclusive Practices Tools (IPT) Development Project Jonathan Fisher, Sally Boyd
Investigating National Beginning Teachers project Jo MacDonald
Ka Whānau Mai te Reo Nicola Bright
Kia Takatū ā-Matihiko - National Digital Readiness Programme evaluation Nicola Bright, Rachel Bolstad
Knowing Practice
Learning experiences outside the classroom (LEOTC) contract monitoring
Mana Ora: Students Decarbonising Schools evaluation Rachel Bolstad
National Monitoring Study of Student Achievement (NMSSA) Charles Darr
Pathways and Prospects: A longitudinal study of young people negotiating transition after school
PB4L evaluations Cathy Wylie, Sally Boyd Evaluation Sally Boyd
Progress and Consistency Tool (PaCT) Charles Darr
Refreshing The New Zealand Curriculum Heleen Visser
School's Carbon Footprint Pilot Rachel Bolstad
Schools collaborating with community and professional experts Rachel Bolstad
Science community engagement Rachel Bolstad
Science in the curriculum
Shifting Thinking (Archived)
Social Workers in Schools (SWiS): Tamariki and whānau experiences of the SWiS programme in kura kaupapa Māori and kura ā-iwi Nicola Bright
Sport in Education evaluation support Sally Boyd
Student activism: learning through action
Survey of Language Use in Māori Households and Communities | Te Tirohanga i te Kōrerotanga o te Reo Rangatira i Roto i ngā Kainga Maori me ngā Rohe
Te Ahu o te Reo Sheridan McKinley
Teachers of promise
Teaching for complex systems thinking Rosemary (Rose) Hipkins MNZM
Tracking principals appointments Cathy Wylie
Transforming Industry-Led Assessment of On-Job Learning
Women becoming secondary school leaders: Barriers, supports, and enablers Cathy Wylie, Jo MacDonald