set 1980 : no. 1

As teachers, we should be clear why we are testing. We should not test just because it is always done. Certainly, tests often do help motivate students to work harder. But the results can be discouraging too, if the results are poor.
In fact, the purpose of the test should affect the kind of test given. Thus, a formal selection examination will normally cover a large number of skills and topics lightly, and most questions should be of middle difficulty level. Mastery tests on a… Read more

What can a teacher, faced by the problem of helping immigrant second-language pupils in his or her class, learn from recent research? One important research project has made us aware of the sort of obstacles which books, as well as classroom talk, are throwing in the path of the immigrant pupil. In this item is described the EMEC (English for Migrant ·Education Curriculum) research project and conclusions are drawn for everyday teaching practice.

Ages, Stages, Classes, Years, Grades, and Systems compared