set 1982 : no. 1

If you believe that hitting children is right and proper and probably good for them, that it stiffens the moral fibre, gives them a taste of what life is an about, and so on, then no amount of research will change your moral stand on this matter. Some research which showed that punishing children by hitting made them get better exam results might be welcome, but hardly to the point. If they have been naughty and hitting is the accepted punishment, then hit they should be. If you believe… Read more

Despite the excellent research of Janet Emig, Donald Graves and others, the writing process itself is still largely a mystery.
We know that it is a very complex process requiring the mastery of a variety of interrelated skills. Apart from the essential inputs of reading and thinking, skills such as knowing how to organize material, awareness of the teacher's goal, understanding the purpose of the specific writing task, all play an important part in creating written material. It… Read more

Each set is a collection of leaflets, articles, and small books. Each item has one or more articles on recent educational research findings, specially written or selected for relevance to teachers. Teachers have limited time: but they wish to be informed. set items are designed and written to bring research information in manageable, readable form to busy teachers.

The Report of the State Services Commission Working Party on Early Childhood Care and Administration was published in March 1981. It makes little mention of family day care. This omission is in spite of the evidence available. Firstly there is the existence of organisations to help 'backyard minders' such as city council schemes and Barnardos; secondly there are the facts buried in reports . There have been three reports by the Society for Research on Women which mention the subject… Read more