set 1982 : no. 2

We have all had the experience at some time of being given a good test which has been ruined or just made less 'do-able' by clumsy layout and unsatisfactory reproduction. Poor layout and defective reproduction do not help motivation, and in the worst cases make it difficult for those sitting the test to achieve as well as they might otherwise have. It is hoped that the suggested 'do's' and 'don'ts' here  will prove helpful in producing attractive and… Read more

There are pitfalls when immigrant and minority language students are given psychological tests. Educators in many countries are becoming aware of them. In Canada, for example, most of the school boards in Metropolitan Toronto delay the administration of formal diagnostic tests and group tests of ability and achievement until students have been in Canada for at least two years. The reasons are given in this report.

This item contains a short list of words about computers in education, then a computerese glossary light-heartedly compiled by Jef Raskin and first published in Apple, Vol.1, No.1, reprinted by permission.