Journals contextual menu Search Journal Browse Journal All Issues Current Issue Online First Journal Info Editorial Board Journal Description Journal Permissions Submission Guidelines Subscribe Alerts and Contact Subscribe set 1991: no. 1 12 Dealing with Procrastination Bill Rodgers A skilled detector of the art of putting things off reveals the techniques of 14-year-old Wayne and his partners, and shows how the clever teacher gets them working. 13 Understanding Exemplary Teaching Colin Boylan, David Battersby, Andrew Wallace, John Retallick, and John Edwards What makes a really good teacher? Two case studies from the same high school show how different in style, presentation, personality, preparation and background, good teachers can be. 14 Parents Teaching in Schools Jacqueline McGilp A primary school invited parents to be more than just teachers' aides; parents with particular skills came and taught. Some were more successful than others, but teachers' fears of losing control and of poor teaching were unfounded. 15 Evaluating Learning in Mathematics Ken Carr and Garth Ritchie Methods of assessment are themselves assessed: norm based, mastery based and interview techniques have been researched. Problems with each are faced and alternatives discussed. Pagination Previous page ‹‹ Page 2