set 2012: no. 3

set 2012: no. 3

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Juliet Twist of the New Zealand Council for Educational Research responds to a question from Juliet Pendleton of Pt Chevalier School: "Given that the move towards purpose-based teaching for writing seems to mean a heavier reliance on ‘just in time’ teaching, will children still make steady progress towards achieving National Standards? If children only receive small chunks of tight, focused teaching on a genre relating to a purpose, rather than longer periods focusing on the features of a… Read more


In term 3, 2012, 22 teacher-assessors collected data from 5,000 children in 200 schools around the country. The information they collected will inform the education community in New Zealand about how our learners are achieving in science and writing. This endeavour marks the beginning of a new national monitoring study of primary student achievement in English-medium schools in New Zealand. The National Monitoring Study of Student Achievement: Wānangatia Te Putanga Tauira (… Read more