PATs: Equity-focused resources and guides

Here you will find our regularly updated library of resources to support schools with the implementation of our refreshed Progressive Achievement Tests (PATs).


  • What are the refreshed PATs? 
  • Resources for kaiako to engage ākonga and whānau
  • Introducing PATs: webinar recordings 
  • How to administer PATs (for kaiako)
  • General information (including scale scores and progress monitoring tables)

What are the refreshed PATs? 

Since 2023, NZCER has been refreshing its PATs with an explicit equity focus, updating designs and content to ensure all ākonga are represented in these assessments. This includes the development of new tests, recalibration of norms and measurement scales, additional support, as well as (in some cases) an expansion of who the tests can be for.

In an equitable system, it is recognised that some people are advantaged compared with others – and resourcing or pathways are provided so those without advantages can succeed. When assessment is equitable, no particular group has advantage over another, and achievement cannot be predicted by the cultural, linguistic and socioeconomic backgrounds of learners.  

Our work in this space has begun with PAT Pāngarau | PAT Mathematics, and continues with PAT Pānui | PAT Reading Comprehension.

These refreshed assessments are still the same robustly developed PATs that hundreds of schools across Aotearoa have been using for the last four decades. Results and reporting from refreshed PATs remain comparable with our previous assessments, and schools can still access our comprehensive reporting and support through NZCER Assist

We hope to provide a series of resources for schools to use as they implement and administer PATs - including engaging with ākonga, whānau, community and boards. Below you will find the beginnings of these resources, and this page will be updated throughout the year as more are developed. 



PAT resources for schools to engage ākonga and whānau 

For school use when discussing what PATs are, are not, and how they work when engaging with tamariki, whānau and school boards.



Remote video URL


Introduction to our refreshed PATs: Webinar recordings


Remote video URL


Remote video URL

How to administer refreshed PATs: For kaiako 

For teacher use as they begin using PATs in the classroom.

PAT Pāngarau | PAT Mathematics PAT Pānui | PAT Reading Comprehension
Aratohu kaiako (Teacher guide) Aratohu kaiako (Teacher guide)
Guide to assessing twice yearly Guide to assessing literacy twice yearly
Quick administration guide Quick administration guide


General information on PATs