How can a makerspace in the school setting support increased motivation, engagement, and achievement for Pasifika and Māori learners?


This article reports on a teacher-led inquiry at Mt Roskill Primary School from 2016 to 2017. Teachers worked with a group of Pasifika and Māori students to develop a learning environment and use pedagogies inspired by the makerspace movement. Data on students’ engagement and achievement levels indicated positive development in the key competencies, practical skills, and learning behaviours of these students. Through student voice we discovered what learning strategies were of benefit to these students. We can now plan another cycle of inquiry to expand the makerspace to benefit other student groups in the school and to transfer the findings and teaching strategies learnt through the makerspace inquiry into mainstream classrooms.

Bishop, R., & Lepou, S. (2018). How can a makerspace in the school setting support increased motivation, engagement, and achievement for Pasifika and Māori learners? Set: Research Information for Teachers, 1, 19–24.
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