Aotearoa New Zealand’s histories and Te Takanga o te Wā—Classroom and akomanga trialling of draft curriculum content

Aotearoa New Zealand’s histories and Te Takanga o te Wā—Classroom and akomanga trialling of draft curriculum content.png

Aotearoa New Zealand’s histories is being incorporated into The New Zealand Curriculum, and Te Takanga o te Wā is being incorporated into Te Marautanga o Aotearoa with the intent that schools and kura will implement this new curriculum content from 2022. 

Draft curriculum documents for Aotearoa New Zealand’s histories and Te Takanga o te Wā were released for public feedback on 3 February 2021. The Ministry of Education wanted to know how the draft curriculum materials would be understood and put into practice in classrooms and akomanga in each medium. During the first 5 weeks of Term 2, 2021, the draft content for Aotearoa New Zealand’s histories was trialled in approximately 60 English-medium schools and the draft content for Te Takanga o Te Wā was trialled in approximately 20 Māori-medium kura. More than 100 teachers and kaiako participated, with many schools and kura involving several teachers from different year levels. Some schools and kura engaged with the trial as Kāhui Ako or other kinds of localised clusters.



Publication type
Research report
Publication year