In 2021, NZCER was contracted by the Ministry of Education to analyse and report the findings from the public engagement about the Aotearoa New Zealand’s Histories in The New Zealand Curriculum and Te Takanga o Te Wā in Te Marautanga o Aotearoa.
People gave feedback about the draft curriculum content in the following ways:
- general online survey (4,323 people)
- ākonga/learners online survey (168 people)
- submissions (488 submissions)
- over 90 workshops, fono, and hui.
It should be noted that some survey responses were submitted on behalf of groups; for example, a group of nine kaiako submitted one survey response. Not all responses state the number of people they represent, so the total number of survey respondents is likely higher than stated.
Key messages from the consultation:
- There was general support for the history curriculum content
- People saw strong links between the history curriculum content and their identity, culture, and citizenship
- People were supportive of bringing Māori histories to the forefront of the history curriculum content alongside other histories
- Partnering with hapū and iwi was seen as a significant step in the right direction, but resourcing and support is needed
- People had differing views about the nature of history
- Schools and kura will play a significant role in whether or not the implementation of the history curriculum content proves successful