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Public understanding of education
Public understanding of education
Feedback on the draft Years 0–6 English learning area—August–September 2024
What’s happening in our English-medium primary schools: Findings from the NZCER national survey 2019 Full report
Pasifika students, Pasifika cultural activities, and engagement with Pasifika families
Different ways of thinking about learning
Measuring New Zealand students' international capabilities: An exploratory study
Capital connections for education
Schools and Inequality
What role might research play in supporting future-oriented community engagement with education?
Supporting future-oriented learning and teaching - a New Zealand perspective
Parents – the Untapped Resource in Special Education
Who Doesn't Get to Pre-School in Newtown?
New Optimism about Pre-school Education: Three Reports from Ypsilanti, Michigan
After School, and in the Holidays
What Joyce Learnt From Her Mother
Good practice to best practice: Extending policies and children's minds
Quality childcare: do parents choose it?
From community engagement in education to public engagement with education
Engaging with difference: Using the arts and the community to help children connect with others
Girls are better than Boys?
What Do Teachers Do All Day? or, Innovation Has Its Price
How To Single Out a School
The too hard basket? Closing the gap between parents and teachers
Children's Understanding of the Superheroes
What Do Students Think "Learning" is and How Do They Do It? A cross-cultural comparison
Responses to questions teachers and administrators frequently ask about inclusive school programmes
Catching the Knowledge Wave? The Knowledge Society: what does it mean for education?
This is school…where people come to learn for school: What children need to know when they start school
What’s news in education?
Theoretical approaches to transition
Students take the lead: moving towards student-led conferences
Address at the launch of The Hidden Lives of Learners, by Graham Nuthall
Report back on the first NZCER national survey of early childhood education services: 2003–2004
Science and the general public in 2005
Commonsense, trust and science: How patterns of beliefs and attitudes to science pose challenges for effective communication