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Author(s): Robyn Barratt

An Australian view about appropriate middle schooling principles and practices.

Author(s): Richard Harker

There are differences between schools in terms of location, size, growth rates, and characteristics of their student populations. Are any of these characteristics related to the learning and...

Author(s): Trevor Marett and Lindsay Smith

A successful conflict-resolution programme which has helped one Australian secondary school to create a positive school climate.

Author(s): Jan Hill and Kay Hawk

By identifying issues that impact on student achievement in low decile schools with high ratios of Pacific Island and Maori students schools can improve the learning opportunities for these...

Author(s): Geoff Munns

The Aboriginal concept of shame was found to be a significant classroom factor affecting Koori students' classroom responses.

Author(s): Tom Nicholson and Ruth Lam

The reading debate seems to moving away from the entrenched positions of "us" versus "them" towards a continuum of process. Teachers in this research were asked to assess three different reading...

Author(s): Fran Hunia

Children can be encouraged to maintain and develop their proficiency in Māori in a classroom where it is not the language of instruction. This research has implications for the promotion of Māori...

Author(s): Deirdre Russell-Bowie

Six key school and teacher characteristics have been identified as having a significant influence on the music education of Australian state school children.

Author(s): Primrose Appleby

Food technology in New Zealand's new technology curriculum is more than cooking and food handling. Here are some practical ways of implementing and assessing food technology.

Author(s): George Booker

The Australian National Statement on Mathematics has proposed that "all people need to develop a good sense of number". What is this number sense, which can be elusive yet empowering?

Author(s): Suzanne Mellor

Civics education is currently "flavour of the month" in Australia, as schools come to grips with a new curriculum, Discovering Democracy. Can schools overcome student apathy regarding politics?

Author(s): James McLeskey and Nancy L. Waldron

Questions and responses that provide a starting point for professionals who are beginning to grapple with the meaning of inclusive school programmes. Reprinted from Phi Delta Kappan, October, 1996...

Author(s): Penny Haworth

Schools considering hiring new teachers from other cultures could consider what sorts of perceptions student teachers (who have been learners in Asia) would have of New Zealand learning situations...

Author(s): Joe Pellegrino

A matrix for professional development that shows how to do a needs analysis and survey.