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Working Styles Assessment (WSA)

The WSA is a career exploration tool, which assesses personality traits that are related to effective job performance. It is a straightforward and effective tool designed to help counsellors, hiring managers and job applicants understand the strengths and weaknesses that may affect an individual’s compatibility with a job or work environment. The WSA includes a User’s Workbook for the examinee to explore career options and learn about their own working style. The Summary Score Sheet provides professionals with information about a candidate’s preferred working styles and strengths.

The WSA measures 18 constructs, which are grouped into five general categories:

  • Drive
  • Interpersonal Skills
  • Adjustment
  • Responsibility
  • Problem Solving


  • Can help individuals better understand their personal work preferences and how they approach situations in the workplace.
  • Can aid hiring managers in identifying preferred working styles and strengths.
  • Can guide developmental conversations between a manager and an employee.
Test Abbreviation: 
Registration Level: 
17 - 70 years
Psychological Assessment Resources
Individual or Group
25 minutes
Work Area: 

Products available for this test

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All prices include GST

Product code Product title Price
8434WASK WSA Introductory Kit (includes forms for 25 administrations) $400.00
8434WSAM WSA Professional Manual $120.00
8434WSAAB WSA Assessment Booklets (Pk 25) $110.00
8434WSA-UW WSA User's Workbooks (Pk 25) $90.00
8434WSA-SS WSA Score Summary Sheets (Pad/25) $50.00