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A Guide to Good Practice in ITO Structures and Systems for On-Job Assessment

A Guide to Good Practice in ITO Structures and Systems for On-Job Assessment
Karen Vaughan and Marie Cameron
PDF icon guide-ito-on-job-assessment.pdf4.12 MB

The guide presents a set of four high-level principles for developing and maintaining good assessment structures and systems for Industry Training Organisations (ITOs). The guide is a resource based on the best available evidence from a research project involving an analysis of New Zealand and international literature, a survey of ITOs, and focus groups with ITO assessors and ITO staff. The primary intended audience for the guide is quality assurance and assessment staff at Industry Training Organisations (ITO). However, employers and workplace-based assessors, training advisors or managers, as well as roving (ITO-contracted) assessors, may also find it useful.

This report has been prepared as part of the Industry Training Federation Research Network’s ITO Workplace Assessment Structures and Systems project, a project supported by the Ako Aotearoa National Project Fund.

Funded by Ako Aotearoa through the Industry Training Federation

ITO Workplace Assessment Structures
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Publication type: 
Research report
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Karen Vaughan