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Literature review for the evaluation of the digital opportunities projects

Sally Boyd

This literature review is focused on international and New Zealand evaluations of "technology-rich" information and communication technologies (ICT) initiatives in schools from 1990 onwards.

This review is in four sections; the first provides background on the literature review, the digital divide, and the Digital Opportunities projects in New Zealand; the second overviews major international initiatives similar to the Digital Opportunities projects and includes key websites; the third summarises information from evaluations and research of projects similar to the four Digital Opportunities projects; and the fourth presents conclusions.

An annotated bibliography is provided with the Digital Opportunities review. This bibliography provides a summary of each initiative and its associated evaluation.

The report is available from the Ministry of Education at:

The annotated bibliography is available from the Ministry of Education at:

An NZARE paper was presented at the 2001 conference in Christchurch.

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Publication type: 
Literature review
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