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Research publications from our research teams.

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Author(s): Mary Chamberlain, Charles Darr, Rose Hipkins, Sheridan McKinley, Hineihaea Murphy, Claire Sinnema
Publication type: Research report

There is considerable international debate about how best to reshape national curricula in the face of rapid societal and environmental changes. The OECD is actively exploring this question through its Future of Education and Skills 2030 initiative. Their aim is to ‘help education systems determine the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values students needed to thrive in and shape their future.’

28 November 2022
Author(s): Cathy Wylie
Publication type: Research report

The Highest Needs Review was undertaken by the Ministry of Education from 2021-2022. Its purpose is to ensure that children and young people with the highest needs for learning support achieve their full potential through positive education outcomes and that they receive the right support, when they need it, and for as long as they need it. 

11 November 2022
Author(s): Rosemary Hipkins, Sara Tolbert, Bronwen Cowie, Pauline Waiti
Publication type: Research report

Science education has an important role to play in supporting our young people to meet the complex challenges of the modern age. Students need a curriculum that can prepare them to work collaboratively, competently and confidently to address the wicked "glocal" problems of our time. 

10 October 2022
Author(s): Nicola Bright, Esther Smaill
Publication type: Research report

He pitomata tō ngā kura auraki hei āwhina i te whakaoranga o te reo Māori. Kua whakaputaina tēnei pūrongo kitenga e Te Wāhanga - Rangahau Mātauranga o Aotearoa hei tautoko i ngā kura auraki tuatahi ki te whakatipu i te reo Māori, hei whakapakari hoki i ā rātou hōtaka  whakaakoranga, akoranga hoki mō te reo Māori.

I roto i tā mātou pūrongo kitenga ka tautohutia e mātou: 

23 September 2022
Author(s): Cathy Wylie and David Coblentz
Publication type: Research report

The Teaching, School, and Principal Leadership Practices Survey (TSP) was developed to give schools robust data about key practices that research has shown are worth paying attention to because of their direct and indirect effects on student learning. Drawing the data together from all participants schools in any given year creates a sound aggregate picture of teaching, school, and leadership practices, showing the strengths and needs in our schools overall. 

8 August 2022
Author(s): Cathy Wylie
Publication type: Paper

It is timely to take stock of the wellbeing of educational research in Aotearoa New Zealand. The major Education Work Programme 2021 includes a Research, Evaluation and Development Strategy. Te Ara Paerangi—Future Pathways Green Paper has launched a major review of the design of public funding for research institutions and for research taking place in tertiary and other education institutions. This paper canvasses the recent history and current landscape of educational research funding and support in Aotearoa New Zealand.

30 June 2022
Author(s): Mohamed Alansari, Cathy Wylie, Rose Hipkins, Sinead Overbye, Renee Tuifagalele, Sophie Watson
Publication type: Research report

The long-running National Survey of Schools project is part of the New Zealand Council for Educational Research’s (NZCER’s) Te Pae Tawhiti programme of research, funded through the Ministry of Education.

23 June 2022
Author(s): Sophie Watson
Publication type:

What do we know about student activism in Aotearoa New Zealand? How do schools view and respond to student activism? And, in what ways does the New Zealand Curriculum support student activism? 

10 May 2022
Author(s): Rachel Bolstad, Sinead Overbye
Publication type: Research summary

What is climate justice, and why does it matter? This briefing introduces the concept of climate justice, exploring interconnections with indigenous worldviews, rights-based frameworks, and ecofeminism. We invite educators, learners, and communities to explore these ideas and what they mean for your climate actions.

This briefing is part of a series. Other topics include:

21 April 2022
Author(s): Mohamed Alansari, Melinda Webber, Sinead Overbye, Renee Tuifagalele and Kiri Edge
Publication type: Research report

The COMPASS project is part of NZCER’s Te Pae Tawhiti Government Grant programme of research. It is also aligned to the broad goals and aspirations of NZCER, in that its overarching purpose is to give effect to Te Tiriti o Waitangi and the notion of Whakatere Tōmua—Wayfinding. The COMPASS project has examined the ways kaiako, ākonga, and whānau navigate educational experiences and contexts.  

19 April 2022
