Ngā Wawata o Ngā Whānau Wharekura

Aspirations of Whānau in Māori Medium Secondary Schools

The purpose of this small project was to find out how and why some whānau made the decision to continue on from kura kaupapa to wharekura (from Year 8 to Year 9). The research also looked at some of the issues that challenged the commitment of many whānau to follow this pathway. As parents, teachers, and researchers involved in Māori medium education, we were interested in highlighting the benefits of Māori medium education in ways that would encourage prospective whānau to consider wharekura as a secondary schooling option. We also wanted to support Māori communities’ aspirations and the development of Māori medium education.

The research involved the communities from four wharekura within the wider Wellington region: Te Ara Whānui Kura Kaupapa Māori o Ngā Kōhanga Reo o Te Awa Kairangi; Te Kura-a-iwi o Whakatupuranga Rua Mano; Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Ngā Mokopuna; and Te Kura Māori o Porirua. Whanau from each wharekura were interviewed about the values and expectations that led them to continue choosing Māori medium education at secondary level. An open-ended discussion approach was used and the interviews were audio-recorded and usually lasted between 1-2 hours.