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Sorted in Schools, Te whai hua–kia ora 2023/24 survey report
Sorted in Schools, Te whai hua – kia ora 2022/23 evaluation report
National Survey Research Brief 3— PLD, NCEA changes, and teachers' work
National Survey Research Brief 2—PLD and school wide wellbeing as predictors of teacher morale and workload
Sorted in Schools, Te whai hua – kia ora! 2019/20 evaluation report
Sorted in Schools, Te whai hua – kia ora 2020/21 evaluation report
Sorted in Schools, Te whai hua – kia ora: 2021/2022 evaluation report
Conceptualising Māori and Pasifika Aspirations and Striving for Success (COMPASS)
Climate change and sustainability in secondary schools—Findings from a 2020 survey of English-medium secondary and composite schools
Who wants to play "Careers"?: New research into young people's priorities and the future of careers guidance
Literacy research that matters. A review of the school sector and ECE literacy projects
Financial literacy of secondary students, and its place within secondary schools
NCEA one decade on
Secondary schools in 2012
NCEA and Curriculum Innovation
Laying learning foundations to lift success at NCEA level 3
Participating and contributing? The role of school and community in supporting civic and citizenship education
New Zealand students' intentions towards participation in the democratic processes: New Zealand results from the International Civic and Citizenship Education Study
Evaluation of Skylight's Travellers programme
English teachers and education-employment linkages for young people
Engaging young people/young adults in literacy, language and numeracy skill development: A Literature Review
Engaging young people/young adults in literacy, language and numeracy skill development: Summary Report
Engaging Young People/Young Adults in Literacy, Language and Numeracy Skill Development
Competent Learners @ 20: summary of key findings
Forming Adulthood Past, Present and Future in the Experiences and Views of the Competent Learners @ 20
Learning to be a new school: Building a curriculum for new times
NZCER evaluation of the Regional Education for Enterprise (E4E) Clusters
A Taste of Possible Futures: making the most of STAR short introductory courses
Where are your science students going (and how can you help them get there)?
What matters in the transition to secondary level? Results from NZCER longitudinal research
The NCEA in the context of the knowledge society and national policy expectations
Students' choices of year 12 science disciplines: what do we know?
Secondary education and research in New Zealand
Daring to be different: The rise and fall of Auckland Metropolitan College
Time for critical thinking in secondary science?
Regional Seminar on Educational Research for Policy and Practice: with particular reference to secondary education reform
Maximising your marketing to senior secondary school students: Analysing student decision making and the implications for marketing strategies
Leisure activities and adolescent engagement in school learning
Learning curves: Meeting student needs in an evolving qualification regime - key findings from the first stage of a longitudinal study
Innovative pathways: The Phase 1 Case Studies
Innovative pathways from secondary school: Where are the young people now?
Innovative pathways from secondary school: Gaining a sense of direction
Technical report with Growing independence: Competent learners @14
Taking the pulse of NCEA: Findings from the NZCER National Survey of Secondary Schools 2006
Students’ experiences of learning in virtual classrooms
Staying in Science 2 : Transition to tertiary study from the perspectives of New Zealand Year 13 science students
Shifting balances: The impact of level 1 NCEA on teaching of mathematics and science
Shaping our futures: Meeting secondary students' learning needs in a time of evolving qualifications: final report of the Learning Curves project
Information skills in the New Zealand curriculum: A blueprint for education?
Challenge for educational transformation: Achieving the aim of 'thinking and acting locally, nationally and globally' in a devolved education system
Ngā Wawata o Ngā Whānau Wharekura
Learning curves: Meeting student needs in an evolving qualifications regime: From cabbages to kings: A first report
Learning curves: Meeting student learning needs in an evolving qualifications regime: Shared pathways and multiple tracks: A second report
Innovative pathways from school: The case studies: Phase 1 report, 2002
Innovative pathways from school: Taking the first step: Final report
Incidence of severe behaviour in Hutt Valley and Greater Wellington schools
Enterprising and future-focused? The first report from the Regional Education for Enterprise Clusters Evaluation
Education for Enterprise (E4E) 2008 surveys
Growing Independence: Competent Learners @ 14
Growing independence : A summary of key findings from the Competent Learners @14 project
Exploring possibilities: an evaluation of the short-term effectiveness of the Secondary Futures process
Evaluation of the CAS pilot project
Education for Enterprise (E4E) 2007 surveys
Education Employment Linkages: International Literature Review
Education and enterprise: Learning at the interface
Curriculum changes, priorities and issues: findings from the NZCER secondary 2006 and primary 2007 national surveys
Course innovation in the senior secondary curriculum: A snapshot taken in July 2007
Clustering students by their subject choices in the Learning Curves Project
Contributions of early childhood education to age-14 performance: Evidence from the longitudinal Competent Children, Competent Learners study
A constellation of prospects: A review of the secondary-tertiary alignment resource (STAR)
Careers education in New Zealand schools
Completely different or a bigger version? Experiences and effects of the transition to secondary school: Evidence from the Competent Children, Competent Learners project
Competent Learners on the Edge of Adulthood: A summary of key findings from the Competent Learners @ 16 project
Background of students in Alternative Education: Interviews with a selected 2008 cohort
An evaluation of the CAS Pilot Project 2006-2007
The Evolving NCEA
LEOTC Provider Trends, Issues, and Themes
Better than a professional? Students as co-contributors to educational design
Organising for Emergence