Springboard Trust Strategic Leadership for Principals Programme: Gaining insight into the experiences of Māori leaders and capacity partners

Springboard Trust Strategic Leadership for Principals Programme: Gaining insight into the experiences of Māori leaders and capacity partners

Springboard Trust is a not-for-profit organisation providing professional learning and development to tumuaki in schools. Their flagship PLD is the Strategic Leadership for Principals Programme (SLPP) – a 10-month course that sees school principals partner with a cross-sector volunteer to learn the fundamentals of strategic leadership, stakeholder engagement and how these apply to a school setting.

In 2022, Springboard Trust commissioned Rangahau Mātauranga o Aotearoa / NZCER to evaluate SLPP, with a specific focus on impacts for tumuaki and rangatahi Māori. This report summarises that evaluation, and was presented to Springboard Trust in November 2022.