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Professional learning
Professional learning
He Kaponga Arotake: Evaluation of the Balanced Scorecard approaches by Springboard Trust
Teacher perspectives from NZCER’s 2023 national survey of area schools
Supporting early career teachers and kaiako: Experiences of mentoring, induction, and PLD
Evaluation of Kia Takatū ā-Matihiko, National Digital Readiness programme
Springboard Trust Strategic Leadership for Principals Programme: Gaining insight into the experiences of Māori leaders and capacity partners
National Survey Research Brief 3— PLD, NCEA changes, and teachers' work
National Survey Research Brief 2—PLD and school wide wellbeing as predictors of teacher morale and workload
National Survey Research Brief 1—Teacher experiences working in Innovative Learning Environments (ILEs)
Working with the PLD Priorities: Nine high impact practices
Challenges for initial teacher education in the context of 'twenty-first century' learning imperatives
High quality practica and the integration of theory and practice in initial teacher education
Teachers' work and professional learning: Findings from the NZCER national survey of primary and intermediate schools 2016
Final Evaluation Report for the Teach First NZ programme pilot: Delivered in partnership with the University of Auckland
An analysis of participant blogs supplemented by teacher interviews
2015 Annual Evaluation Report for the Teach First NZ programme pilot delivered in partnership with the University of Auckland
Developing primary science teacher expertise: Thinking about the system
Who wants to play "Careers"?: New research into young people's priorities and the future of careers guidance
The Pathways Framework meets Consumer Culture: Young People, Careers, and Commitment
Learning Workers: Young New Zealanders and Early Career Development
Developing expertise without certainty in general practice medicine
Knowing Practice: Vocational Thresholds for GPs, Carpenters, and Engineering Technicians Summary Report
2014 Annual Evaluation Report for the Teach First NZ Programme
Knowing Practice: Vocational Thresholds for GPs, Carpenters, and Engineering Technicians
Primary students’ perceptions of good teachers
Supporting teachers' work
Science professional development and learning
Building a future-oriented science education system: Are we nearly there yet?
“It means everything doesn’t it?” Interpretations of Māori students achieving and enjoying educational success “as Māori”
Curriculum for the Future
Rethinking professional learning and development in primary science
Sustaining the commitment and realising the potential of highly promising teachers
Making changes or holding on: Early childhood teachers in Aotearoa New Zealand engage in identity work
Accelerating writing achievement
How do teachers use picture books to draw on the cultural and linguistic diversity in their classrooms?
The benefits of collaborative Content Representation (CoRe) design with experts for early career secondary teachers in science and technology
Taking charge of your apprenticeship
Student inquiry and curriculum integration: Shared origins and points of difference (Part A)
Getting the most from workplace literacy and numeracy programmes
Assessment for learning in the classroom: Barriers to implementation and possibilities for teacher professional learning
Swimming out of our depth? Leading learning in 21st century schools
The Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
Teachers' Centres: Premise or Premises?
Managing to teach physical education: from pre-service to in-service
Health Education in New Zealand: Issues, challenges, and blueprint for the future
Difficult-to-Teach Junior School Children
Shifts in Thinking through a Teachers’ Network
Principled practice: Secondary teachers collaborate to bring a language focus to their content teaching
"What can I do about Māori underachievement?" Critical reflections from a non-Māori participant in Te Kotahitanga
Historical significance and sites of memory
Features of a positive work environment for early career teachers
The Work of Accent Advisers
Formative assessment in practice: Helping change what’s inside the box
The problem of enactment: The influence of teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs on their uptake and implementation of feedback-related ideas and practices
An investigation into online moderation
Getting the most out of professional development
Teacher research: Are the outcomes worth the struggle?
Listening to student voice
Negotiating spirituality in teacher education
Initial teacher education programmes in transition: Tensions and possibilities
Learning to teach history in New Zealand secondary schools: Preservice teachers reflect on their practice
Assessing an assessment for learning professional development programme
Preparing assessment-capable teachers: What should preservice teachers know and be able to do?
Developing a curriculum for assessment education
Spotlight on ICT in early childhood education: An interview with Ann Hatherly
Documenting for inclusion: How do we create an inclusive environment for all children?
What is it about the monkey bars?
The electric teacher: Philosophical pathways to being an empowered early childhood educator
Young children breaking the rules: a sociocultural interpretation
Distributed leadership: Utilising everyone’s strengths
Transitions Within the Centre & to School: Research at a Samoan-language immersion centre
Theory, Context, and Practice: Exploring the curriculum decision-making of early childhood teachers
Sameness-as-fairness: Early childhood professionals negotiating multiculturalism in childcare
Finding our way: Interpreting Reggio in a New Zealand context
Developing leadership through blended action learning
Book review—Doing Educational Research: A Practitioner’s Guide to Getting Started, by Carol Mutch
Te Kākano (the seed): Growing rich mathematics in ECE settings
Moment-by-moment Decisions a Teacher Makes in the Classroom: A new research approach to teaching style
Rules, Rules, Rules: Our Rule-governed Behaviour and Its Implications for Teaching
Building Bridges to Individuals: Maxims for teaching composite classes
Professional practice in education: Research and issues
Principals working with principals: Keeping education at the centre of practice
Leadership for learning: What it means for teachers
Schools as professional learning communities for early career teachers: how do early-career teachers rate them?
Pacific nations students in primary teacher training: Investigating their learning needs
Career pathways: Does remaining close to the classroom matter for early career teachers? A study of practice in New Zealand and the USA.
Schools' learning journeys: Evaluating a new approach to professional development in literacy at Viscount School
Enhancing student learning in technology through enhancing teacher formative interactions
Students’ experiences of their first two years at Albany Senior High
Learning to be a new school: Building a curriculum for new times
Teacher talk to improve teaching practices
Teachers as researchers: A professional necessity?
Formative assessment and the professional development of teachers: Are we focusing on what is important?
Celebrating a Continuing Service
Celebrating 30 years: Highlights & history
Beginning teaching: stress, satisfaction and resilience
Developing teaching knowledge in primary technology
Spotlight on effective teaching: An interview with John Hattie
Address at the launch of The Hidden Lives of Learners, by Graham Nuthall
Moderation and Teacher Learning: What can research tell us about their interrelationships?
ICT in primary science: Insights from the TELA evaluation
Sustaining improvements in student achievement: Myth or reality?
Primary visual art teaching: Supporting teacher confidence
Starting out in teaching: Surviving or thriving as a new teacher
Teachers of Promise: Is teaching their first career choice?
Engaging teachers in re-imagining curriculum
Characteristics of professional development linked to enhanced pedagogy and children's learning in early childhood settings: A best evidence synthesis
Sustaining school improvement: ten primary schools' journeys: A summary
Sustaining school improvement : Ten primary schools' journeys
Early career teachers' opportunities for professional learning: Impacts on teaching practice, job satisfaction, motivation, and career decisions
Ako*: Being a teacher, being a learner, being part of a learning profession
MEANZ and NSTP Mentoring Pilot Programme Evaluation
Evaluation of the Northland Enterprising Teachers (NET) initiative: final report
Evaluation of the Literacy Professional Development Project
Evaluation of the introductory professional development programme for teacher aides/kaiāwhina: Supporting teachers of students with special education needs
What do student teachers learn from their students?
“21st century thinking”: Hornby High School’s journey so far
Teachers as learners: Developing a community of learners through inquiry
Teacher education and the hidden curriculum of heteronormativity