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Assessment tools
Assessment tools
NZCER national survey of primary and intermediate schools 2016: Methodology and sample information
Dual modes for written assessments: Examining validity and reliability
Engagement with learning
Science Engagement Survey: A new tool for primary science
Early childhood initial teacher education students’ learning about assessment
Learning through feedback loop metaphors
Computer-administered vs paper-and-pencil tests: Is there a difference?
Using selected NCEA standards to profile senior students’ subject-area literacy
Assessment for learning, online tasks, and the new Assessment Resource Banks
Using annotations to inform an understanding of achievement standards
Using Rasch measurement to improve analytical marking keys
Singaporean teachers’ views of classroom assessment: Findings from using Q-methodology
Iranian university students’ conceptions of assessment: Using assessment to self-improve
English-language learners and validity
English-language learners and the Progressive Achievement Test: Mathematics
Problems in developing formative assessment: A physics teacher’s lived experiences of putting the ideas into practice
Questioning as formative assessment: Investigating the use of the ESRU framework to guide students’ learning
Checking the STAR norms
Errors in test results: The “quick guide” part 2
Next steps: Using the Assessment Resource Banks for Formative Assessment
A close look at the cloze test
A test is a test are tests
Improving the format of classroom tests
Scale for rating behavioural characteristics of superior students
Non-verbal tests in schools
Test evaluation sheet
The foundations of school testing
Testing on the net: Assessment Resource Banks in mathematics and science
The “child’s questions”: Programme evaluation with Te Whāriki using “Teaching Stories"
The Fence or exploring the challenges of sociocultural assessment
Progression and Continuity in Early Childhood: Teachers' Theories and Classroom Practice
Reshaping the learning disposition domains: Rethinking the language for infants and toddlers
Rubrics in technology
Kei tua o te pae: Assessing learning that reaches beyond the self and beyond the horizon
Achieve is Choice!
Report card for integrated learning systems (SuccessMaker): Is there evidence of improved literacy and numeracy outcomes?
asTTle: An Early Exploration of New Technology for Teachers
How useful do teachers find the tools and strategies they use for assessing English and mathematics at Years 5, 7, and 9?
What tools and strategies do teachers use to assess Years 5, 7, and 9 students in English and mathematics?
Exercising Teachers’ Choice of NEMP Tasks: Bringing assessment resources into the classroom
News and Views - mainly for parents, whānau, and caregivers
Jumping to conclusions: Making too much of one response
Assessment development at NZCER in 2009
Hitting the roof: Understanding ceiling effects
Can test results help us make Overall Teacher Judgements?
Going beyond achievement: Spreading our assessment net wider
Which assessment tool?
What's happening with the Assessment Resource Banks?
Getting our heads around percentiles
Formative assessment and the ARB website
Dusting off the Teacher's Manuals
Assessing Adult Learning: Literacy and Numeracy Competencies: Conference Proceedings, 2010