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Careers and transition
Careers and transition
Supporting early career teachers and kaiako: Experiences of mentoring, induction, and PLD
Making a place in the world: Experiences of those who took less conventional paths from school
Subject choice for the future of work: Insights from research literature
Subject choice for the future of work: Insights from focus groups
Engineering e2e: An evaluation
The role of apprenticeship in the cultivation of soft skills and dispositions
Training for a Reflective Workforce: Transfer of learning for support worker apprentices
Acts of learning worth learning from
New Roles for Science Teachers in Career Education
Who wants to play "Careers"?: New research into young people's priorities and the future of careers guidance
The Pathways Framework meets Consumer Culture: Young People, Careers, and Commitment
Learning Workers: Young New Zealanders and Early Career Development
Developing expertise without certainty in general practice medicine
Knowing Practice: Vocational Thresholds for GPs, Carpenters, and Engineering Technicians Summary Report
Knowing Practice: Vocational Thresholds for GPs, Carpenters, and Engineering Technicians
Mate, You Should Know This! Re-negotiating practice after a critical incident in the assessment of on-job learning
Taking charge of your apprenticeship
A Transformational System for On-Job Assessment in the Building and Construction Industries
Learning to Fly: Career Management Competencies in the School Subject Classroom
English teachers and education-employment linkages for young people
The potential of career management competencies for renewed focus and direction in career education
Teachers College Students Who Are Also Parents
It Was Good Fun Getting Here, But What Do I Do Now? A Survey of those who hold the New Zealand Playcentre National Supervisors Certificate
Ethical Quandaries for neophyte early childhood practitioners
Education and Employment
From Disadvantaged to Advantaged
From Secondary School to Work in Japan
From College to ...? Asking New Zealand principals, 2 years on, about the new system of hiring beginning teachers
Teacher Evaluation Form – Socrates
Hopes and Fears of Students in Australian Schools
Restructuring Students for Restructured Work
The Young Employed and Unemployed: Their use of spare time and their psychological well-being
Literacy on the job
The Mathematical Needs of School Leavers
The Course Experience of Year 12 Students: Results from "Youth in Transition"
How young people make Career decisions
Making the transition from Year 12: The relationship between decision-making style and information gathering
Theoretical approaches to transition
The impact of Futureintech
Successful Workplace Learning: How Learning Happens at Work
Changing Lanes: Young people making sense of pathways
Student Perspectives on Leaving School, Pathways, and Careers (A Report from the Competent Learners Project)
A Taste of Possible Futures: making the most of STAR short introductory courses
Who wants to play "Careers"? New research into young people's priorities and the future of careers guidance
Taking the first step from secondary school
Pathways, junctions, and pitstops: Youth transition policy in New Zealand
Tale of two hyphens: working the policy-research and researcher-researched hyphens in a longitudinal youth transition project
Down under: Careers education in New Zealand
Developing a 'productive' account of young people's transition perspectives
Young people producing careers and identities: The first report from the Pathways and Prospects project
Innovative pathways from school: The case studies: Phase 1 report, 2002
Innovative pathways from school: Taking the first step: Final report
Evaluation of Youth Pathways/He Ara Rangatahi
Education Employment Linkages: International Literature Review
Careers education in New Zealand schools
Beyond school: Final year school students' experiences of the transition to tertiary study or employment
A Matter of Perspective: Mapping Education Employment Linkages in Aotearoa New Zealand
Career Education Networks and Communities of Practice: A report from the School-Communities strand of the Education Employment Linkages project