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Dargaville Pūtoi Rito Communities of Readers—Research report
Ngā whai painga o Te Ao Haka—The positive impacts of Te Ao Haka for ākonga, whānau, and kaiako
He reo ka tipu i ngā kura: Growing te reo Māori in English-medium schools—Findings report
Connecting climate change with place and culture: Research briefing 4
Sharing our gifts with the community
All the school's a stage. Schools collaborating with experts in the community
WAPA 2020: Gains and insights from an enduring school network
"It's who we are" Stories of practice and change from PB4L School-Wide Schools
Findings from the first phase of the evaluation of PB4L School-Wide
Year 2 Evaluation - Getting Runs on the Board
PB4L School-wide Evaluation: Preliminary findings
e-in-science: Future-oriented science learning
What role might research play in supporting future-oriented community engagement with education?
Science community engagement with schools
Participating and contributing? The role of school and community in supporting civic and citizenship education
English teachers and education-employment linkages for young people
Educating healthy citizens in New Zealand schools: Students leading the way
From community engagement in education to public engagement with education
NZCER evaluation of the Regional Education for Enterprise (E4E) Clusters
School development in practice: Creating learning communities
Self-managing schools seven years on: What have we learnt?
Education for Enterprise (E4E) 2008 surveys
Families and Communities Engagement in Education Project 2—Notions of partnership
A Matter of Perspective: Mapping Education Employment Linkages in Aotearoa New Zealand
What it looks like when it’s going well …
Career Education Networks and Communities of Practice: A report from the School-Communities strand of the Education Employment Linkages project
Working with the New Zealand Curriculum principles
Pacific Islands school-parent-community liaison project: An independent evaluation report
Self-Managing schools seven years on - What have we learnt? 1997