“I want to say…”: Privileging young children’s voices in iPad-supported assessment for learning


This article reports on a qualitative study exploring the extent that the Apple iPad can be used to support assessment in an early childhood education (ECE) context. It is part of wider project exploring the educational affordances of the iPad in one ECE context from the perspectives of teachers, parents, and young children. Observations focused on interactions between an early childhood teacher and children as they were using an iPad and teacher interviews informed the study. The findings highlight the potential of using iPads to capture and record young children's voices in their assessment practice. Teacher recognition and understanding of the opportunities iPads offer, and their deliberate incorporation of these opportunities, can support young children's emerging learning and interests. Implications are provided for practitioners interested in investigating the iPad's use to foster meaningful, relevant, and authentic assessment practices for and with young children.

Khoo, E., Merry, R., & Bennett, T. (2015). “I want to say…”: Privileging young children’s voices in iPad-supported assessment for learning. Early Childhood Folio, 19(1), 3–9. https://doi.org/10.18296/ecf.0002
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