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He Kaponga Arotake: Evaluation of the Balanced Scorecard approaches by Springboard Trust
Teacher perspectives from NZCER’s 2023 national survey of area schools
Supporting early career teachers and kaiako: Experiences of mentoring, induction, and PLD
National Survey Research Brief 3— PLD, NCEA changes, and teachers' work
National Survey Research Brief 2—PLD and school wide wellbeing as predictors of teacher morale and workload
National Survey Research Brief 1—Teacher experiences working in Innovative Learning Environments (ILEs)
Working with the PLD Priorities: Nine high impact practices
Secondary teachers’ perspectives from NZCER’s 2021 National Survey of Secondary Schools
Developing primary science teacher expertise: Thinking about the system
Strengthening the strategic leadership of New Zealand principals: Summary
The work of PLD facilitators
Strengthening the strategic leadership of New Zealand principals
Achievement in Boys' Schools
Rethinking professional learning and development in primary science
The Development of Leadership Capability in a Self-Managing Schools System: the New Zealand Experience and Challenges
Learning to reinvent the school curriculum
The Work of Accent Advisers
Principal vacancies and appointments 2009–10
Schools as professional learning communities for early career teachers: how do early-career teachers rate them?
Teachers make a difference: what is the research evidence? Conference proceedings, 2002
Shifts in thinking through a teachers' network
Thinking together to become 21st century teachers
Characteristics of professional development linked to enhanced pedagogy and children's learning in early childhood settings: A best evidence synthesis
Teachers, parents, and whānau working together in early childhood education
Te Hiringa i Te Mahara: The power of the mind: Evaluation report
Sustaining school improvement : Ten primary schools' journeys
Early career teachers' opportunities for professional learning: Impacts on teaching practice, job satisfaction, motivation, and career decisions
Making connections: Educators' use of research to inform their practice: Final report
Learning to teach: A survey of provisionally registered teachers in Aotearoa New Zealand
Evaluation of professional development to support the arts in the New Zealand curriculum
Evaluation of Kaupapa Ara Whakawhiti Mātauranga (KAWM)
Evaluation of 'Arts Professional Development Online' in support of 'The arts in the New Zealand curriculum'
First NZCER national survey of early childhood education services: 2003-2004
Evaluation of the Northland Enterprising Teachers (NET) initiative: final report
Evaluation of the Literacy Professional Development Project
Evaluation of the introductory professional development programme for teacher aides/kaiāwhina: Supporting teachers of students with special education needs
Evaluation of the CAS pilot project
Early literacy: Quality teaching and learning in Pasifika early childhood education
Curriculum changes, priorities and issues: findings from the NZCER secondary 2006 and primary 2007 national surveys
Assessment practices and aspects of curriculum in early childhood education
An evaluation of the CAS Pilot Project 2006-2007
Learning to reinvent the school curriculum
Reshaping the secondary school curriculum: Building the plane while flying it?
Principal vacancies and appointments 2008-9
O le ulua 'i faitautusi ma le tusitusi: O a'oa'oga maoa'e ma lona a'oa'oina i a'oga amata a le Pasifika