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Decolonising our approaches to educational research—Learning from our shared experiences at Rangahau Mātauranga o Aotearoa (NZCER)
Accommodating diversity in assessment: A snapshot of practice in 2022
Determining How Learning is Progressing – Options for Calibrating Teacher Judgements
Games, gamification, and game design for learning: Innovative practice and possibilities in New Zealand schools
Capabilities are curriculum weaving tools
Environmental education in New Zealand schools: Research update 2015
Learning to learn in secondary classrooms
Achievement in Boys' Schools
Strengthening engagements between schools and the science community
NCEA one decade on
A Transformational System for On-Job Assessment in the Building and Construction Industries
Secondary schools in 2012
Next steps: Using the Assessment Resource Banks for Formative Assessment
School-wide Assessment: Evidence of Student Achievement: Portfolio Systems
National Standards, moderation challenges and teacher learning
Making progress - Measuring progress: Conference proceedings March 2008
The NCEA in the context of the knowledge society and national policy expectations
Searching informational texts: Text and task characteristics that affect performance
Introduction to the assessment resource banks (ARBs) and their diagnostic potential
Assessing key competencies: Why would we? How could we?
Assessment Resource Banks: From national testing to a school-based resource
The role of an online repository of assessment tasks and resources: The place of the Assessment Resource Banks
Standardised testing: Dilemmas and possibilities
Patterns of use of psychological tests in New Zealand
Riding the wave: The journeys of two primary schools in supporting beginning teachers' assessment knowledge and practices
New Zealand classroom assessment practices in English and mathematics
Resource bank in English for school-based assessment
Potential of assessment resource banks as sources of information on student performance and for curriculum evaluation
Learning curves: Meeting student needs in an evolving qualification regime - key findings from the first stage of a longitudinal study
Issues in constructing formative tests in mathematics
Introduction to the assessment resource banks (ARBs) and their diagnostic potential
Taking the pulse of NCEA: Findings from the NZCER National Survey of Secondary Schools 2006
Socialisation of teachers into the culture of assessment
Shifting balances: The impact of level 1 NCEA on teaching of mathematics and science
Shaping our futures: Meeting secondary students' learning needs in a time of evolving qualifications: final report of the Learning Curves project
Self-assessment: What teachers think - Summary report for teachers
Self-assessment: What teachers think
Information skills in the New Zealand curriculum: A blueprint for education?
Changing school subjects for changing times
Assessment resource banks and other approaches to school-based assessment in New Zealand
Assessment dilemmas when “21st century” learning approaches shift students into unfamiliar terrain
Learning curves: Meeting student needs in an evolving qualifications regime: From cabbages to kings: A first report
Learning curves: Meeting student learning needs in an evolving qualifications regime: Shared pathways and multiple tracks: A second report
Course innovation in the senior secondary curriculum: A snapshot taken in July 2007
Clustering students by their subject choices in the Learning Curves Project
Classroom Assessment Practices in English and Mathematics at Years 5, 7, and 9
Assessment practices and aspects of curriculum in early childhood education
Assessment for Foundation Learning: The importance of purposeful assessment in adult literacy, numeracy and language courses
Assessment of Learning in the Workplace: A Background Paper
Assessing Adult Learning: Literacy and Numeracy Competencies: Conference Proceedings, 2010
National standards for mathematics: where to set the bar?
The Evolving NCEA
ITO Assessment Structures and Systems: Survey and Focus Group Findings
A Guide to Good Practice in ITO Structures and Systems for On-Job Assessment
NZCER background paper on national standards for literacy and numeracy
Documenting learning of the key competencies: What are the issues? A discussion paper.