This technical report is one component of the final Healthy Futures 2009 evaluation report. Healthy Futures is the evaluation of the Ministry of Health’s Fruit in Schools (FiS) initiative. The final evaluation report is in three parts. The changing face of Fruit in Schools: 2009 overview report (Boyd, Dingle, Hodgen, King, and Moss, 2009), brings together the main findings from the evaluation. A separate case study report (Boyd and Moss, 2009), summarises the findings from the case study component of Healthy Futures and contains six school case studies completed in 2008. The third component is this technical report.
The overview report tells the story carried in the data and this technical report describes the methodology used to analyse the quantitative survey data (and the software used to do so), and provides more detail of the results. This technical report contains frequency tables from four surveys:
Students at FiS and comparison schools
FiS lead teachers
classroom teachers
FiSC and regional interagency stakeholders.