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School governance and management
School governance and management
Assessing how schools are responding to the Equity Index
Secondary teachers’ perspectives from NZCER’s 2021 National Survey of Secondary Schools
Educational Leadership Practices Survey
Women becoming secondary school leaders: Barriers, supports, and enablers
What’s happening in our English-medium primary schools: Findings from the NZCER national survey 2019 Full report
Climate change and sustainability in primary and intermediate schools report
Teaching, School, and Principal Leadership Practices Survey 2019
Teaching, School, and Principal Leadership Practices Survey 2018 Report
Secondary schools in 2018: Findings from the NZCER national survey
Pasifika students, Pasifika cultural activities, and engagement with Pasifika families
Teachers' work and professional learning: Findings from the NZCER national survey of primary and intermediate schools 2016
School resources, relations with other schools, and support: Findings from the NZCER national survey of primary and intermediate schools 2016
Principals and their work: Findings from the NZCER national survey of primary and intermediate schools 2016
The work of school boards – trustees’ perspectives: Findings from the NZCER national survey of primary and intermediate schools 2016
Secondary schools in 2015
WAPA 2020: Gains and insights from an enduring school network
Strengthening the strategic leadership of New Zealand principals: Summary
The successful inclusion of pregnant and mothering students in New Zealand schools
How we care for students: Pastoral care and the role of the dean
New identity stories: An alternative to suspension and exclusion from school
Primary and intermediate schools in 2013
Student management systems in secondary schools
Improving learning opportunities: Why schools can’t do it on their own
Teachers of promise
Secondary schools in 2012
Zooming in on Learning in the Digital Age: A Literature Review
School and community
Vertical grouping in New Zealand secondary schools
Coping with volatile situations: A guide for teachers
Fifteen thousand hours: findings and implications
Challenges around capability development in a system of self-managed schools in New Zealand.
Opportunities for Teacher Collaborative Practices in a Self-Managed School System: the New Zealand Experience
The Development of Leadership Capability in a Self-Managing Schools System: the New Zealand Experience and Challenges
Leadership in Early Childhood: The kindergarten experience
Inclusionary early childhood centre policy and procedures: An examination of policies and enrolment protocols
An initiative to counter the “summer reading drop”: An iterative process
Features of a positive work environment for early career teachers
The draft New Zealand Curriculum
Epistemological voyaging: thinking about a Māori-centric curriculum
Subjunctive spaces of curriculum: on the importance of eccentric knowledge
Grab that kite! Teaching mathematics in te reo Māori
Rethinking large-scale assessment
Assessing an assessment for learning professional development programme
Trust, collaboration and professional learning: Assessment for learning in Scotland
Teacher formative assessment decision making: A consideration of principles and consequences
Commentary: Wanted: A formative assessment starter kit
Standards, teacher judgement and moderation in contexts of national curriculum and assessment reform
Assessment for learning as a participative pedagogy
Principal vacancies and appointments 2009–10
Junior School Class Size: Where are we now?
The Playground Jungle: Bullies, Victims and Intervention Strategies
Let Someone Else Deal with Them: A study of students referred to an 'Activity Centre'
Size, Costs, Curriculum in Secondary Schools
School-Level Environment Questionnaire (SLEQ)
School Climate: Assessing and Improving School Environments
Accommodating At-Risk Pupils
‘Our Teachers Never Come Back After Christmas’: Teacher Satisfaction, The Community and School Improvement
From College to ...? Asking New Zealand principals, 2 years on, about the new system of hiring beginning teachers
Teaching in a Multi-ethnic School
Going Back to School as an Adult
What Principals Think of Their Beginning Teachers
Questionable Assumptions Underlying Secondary School Classrooms
Four terms instead of three
Teaching Can Be Hazardous to Your Health
Building Bridges to Individuals: Maxims for teaching composite classes
Suggestions from children on how to help us behave
Multi-age grouping
Classroom Discipline: Teachers' Preferences
Violence in schools: principals' perspectives
Effective communication in schools: Can a business model be of value in education?
Two at the top: Power sharing at Selwyn College
Using student and teacher perceptions to assess classroom environment
Change & the New Zealand primary school curriculum
A Study of "effective" departments in secondary schools in the United Kingdom
"Good" teaching and learning: A matter of perception?
Responses to questions teachers and administrators frequently ask about inclusive school programmes
"School effects", "value added" and all that...
Middle schooling — a challenge for policy and curriculum: Findings of the National Middle Schooling Project Report
Creating a culture of respect: A state secondary school's journey
"The whole you is the principal: therefore understand yourself"
School entry assessment: Implementation issues
Listening to culture: Maori principles and practices applied to support classroom management
The behaving school
School culture
School size and achievement of primary and intermediate students
Reporting to parents
Teacher feedback to students in numeracy lessons: Are students getting good value?
“Here there is no boss”: Alternatives to the lone(ly) principal
Learners and Outcomes: Where did all the children go?
New ways of thinking about raising boys' achievement
Effective Reading Programmes in the Junior School: How some schools produce high literacy levels at Year 3
"I was born with a few disabilities—this does not stop me from trying my best and I give most things a go." Inclusion from the perspectives of students with disabilities
Influences on gifted students' motivation: Fostering healthy hearts & minds
The decline in jumping standards
Let's ask: "Is the content important to our students?"
Future thinking: One school's experience of teaching thinking strategies
Selling our education: Income and cultural diversity or disadvantaging domestic students?
New understandings of educational leadership
"I feel I belong here": The culture and ethos of inclusive schools
Environmental education in New Zealand schools: Challenges for sustainability
Male teachers in primary schools
Behaviour intervention: a pilot programme
What's wrong with school improvement?
What principals want in a "male role model"
Effective bicultural leadership: A way to restore harmony at school and avoid suspension
School council research: Student researchers help inform spending decisions
Spotlight on leadership: An interview with Professor Viviane Robinson
A burning issue: What is the impact of school fires?
Viewing schools as a health and wellbeing system: Does this fit with the revised curriculum?
The power of student voice
Spotlight on improving educational outcomes: an interview with Stuart McNaughton
Getting off to a good start: Employment status and beginning teachers
Effective school self-management - what's ahead? Conference proceedings, October 1998
School planning and reporting: Is it making a difference to student learning?
School-based curriculum development: is it coming back into fashion?
Making school-driven innovations happen
Future challenge of principal succession in New Zealand primary schools: Implications of quality and gender
Early experiences of longer learning periods at Alfriston College
Dusting off the Teacher's Manuals
Can we improve our school governance?
The changing face of Fruit in Schools: The 2008 case studies
The changing face of Fruit in Schools: Technical report
The changing face of Fruit in Schools: 2009 overview report
Effects for Māori of bulk funding, a literature review
Summary of the New Zealand literature on recruitment and retention of school leaders: Issues, challenges, trends, and strategies for succession planning
Stress and well-being among New Zealand principals: Report to the New Zealand Principals' Federation
School resources, culture and connections: NZCER National Survey Thematic Report
School governance in New Zealand - How is it working?
Role of New Zealand school boards in 1997: Report to the New Zealand School Trustees' Association
Challenge for educational transformation: Achieving the aim of 'thinking and acting locally, nationally and globally' in a devolved education system
Evaluation of First-Time Principals Induction Programme 2003
How do effective schools manage their finances?
Gender and academic promotion: a case study of Massey University
At the centre of the web: The role of the New Zealand primary school principal within a decentralized education system
Self-Managing schools seven years on - What have we learnt? 1997