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Student health and wellbeing
Student health and wellbeing
Under the radar—A rapid review of recent literature about youth problem gambling
Hei whakaarotanga: Engaging with models of health and wellbeing that draw on mātauranga Māori
Teacher perspectives from NZCER’s 2023 national survey of area schools
Learnings and outcomes from the second year of Tūturu
Manaakitia ngā tamariki kia ora ai – Te hāpai i te waiora o te ākonga
Making a difference to student wellbeing—a data exploration
My FRIENDS Youth final evaluation report
Reviewing the game plan: What can be learnt from the first year of
Finding a balance—fostering student wellbeing, positive behaviour, and learning: Findings from the NZCER national survey of primary and intermediate schools 2016
Creating a space for student voice in an educational evaluation
Secondary schools in 2015
Pasifika Transformers—more than meets the eye
Connecting like-minded learners through flexible grouping
The successful inclusion of pregnant and mothering students in New Zealand schools
"It's who we are" Stories of practice and change from PB4L School-Wide Schools
Findings from the first phase of the evaluation of PB4L School-Wide
Year 2 Evaluation - Getting Runs on the Board
"A positive culture of support" Final report from the evaluation of PB4L School-Wide
How we care for students: Pastoral care and the role of the dean
New identity stories: An alternative to suspension and exclusion from school
Early warning systems in schools: Tracking and monitoring students’ progress using NCEA achievement data
Primary and intermediate schools in 2013
Hei Ara Ako ki te Oranga: A model for measuring wellbeing outcomes from literacy programmes
The Travellers programme: A way of supporting young people to manage their wellbeing
Key messages about change in schools: A literature scan for Sport New Zealand
Research Project File
Wellbeing and narrative identity
Globally delayed development: Developing students’ motor skills
NZCER presentation about creating and embedding change in schools
Evaluation of Skylight's Travellers programme
Children of working mothers
Predicting and preventing child abuse
Language and behaviour
The eating habits of New Zealand school children
Coping with volatile situations: A guide for teachers
"Just something that I have to do": Year 12 students talk about VCE
Bullyproofing our school: What do the pupils think?
If We Change It They Will Come: Creating School Athletic Carnivals Where All Children Win
Sexuality education in New Zealand: What adolescents are being taught and what they really want to know
Total wellbeing: Health education for the new millennium
Competent Learners @ 20: summary of key findings
Don't Take that Dress Off James! Have we got anywhere in trying to remove sex-role stereotyping in pre-schools and junior school classes?
How Important is Fantasy Play?
Playgroup Ecology
How Many People Can a Young Child Feel Secure With?
Family Networks: Who cares for the caregiver while the caregiver's caregiving?
After School, and in the Holidays
Taking Care of Themselves: Children can do better than we think
What Happens When a Child Starts School? Three books and three projects reviewed
A Hard-headed Look at the Fruits of Play
Factors impacting on children's adjustment to the first year of primary school
Anau Ako Pasifika: A home-based early childhood project for Pacific Islands families in Aotearoa/New Zealand
Who’s caring for us? Shiftworking women and childcare
Social Life and Learning: Peer scaffolding in a new entrant classroom
Images of Empowerment: The outdoor experiences of one-year-old children
Dolls for equity: foregrounding children’s voices in learning respect and unlearning unfairness
Transition to School from Pacific Early Childhood Centres
Starting childcare: What it means for children, mothers and teachers
The “child’s questions”: Programme evaluation with Te Whāriki using “Teaching Stories"
Book review. Making Sense of Early Literacy: A practitioner’s perspective
The transition from kindergarten to school for children with special needs
“Don’t eat other people’s lunch”: Children’s views of starting school
Noise in early childhood centres and effects on the children and their teachers
Relating to others: Three layers of knowing
School Aquatic Education Programmes and Pools
"What can I do about Māori underachievement?" Critical reflections from a non-Māori participant in Te Kotahitanga
A health promoting schools approach to bullying
Educating healthy citizens in New Zealand schools: Students leading the way
Focusing on relationships creates safety in schools
Spotlight on children’s issues: an interview with Anne Smith
“If you don’t know her, she can’t talk”: Noticing the tensions between deficit discourses and inclusive early childhood education
Participatory-research methods with young children: experiences from the field
An integrative curriculum approach to road safety education
Settling infants and toddlers into early care and education
Advocating for infants’ rights in early childhood education
Noise and at-risk children in early childhood education centres
The Playground Jungle: Bullies, Victims and Intervention Strategies
Let Someone Else Deal with Them: A study of students referred to an 'Activity Centre'
Behaviour Disordered Children
Children and Superstars of Wrestling
Weather and Wickedness
Good and Bad in Prime Time TV for Kids
Accommodating At-Risk Pupils
Working With Children Who Have a Life-Threatening Illness
Teaching Money making: School Based Enterprise in Australia; The Value of Mini-enterprises in Britain
Fencing In, Turning Down, Belting Up: Early Childhood Injury Prevention
Ten days in new entrant classrooms
Knowing your place: The Ability of Young Children to Rank Themselves for Academic Ability
Encouraging creativity: The influence of motivation on writing poetry
Does the Moral Judgement Level of Teachers Really Matter? Teachers' reasoning and moral judgement when disciplining
Keeping ourselves safe: A personal safety curriculum examined
Poverty and Performance
Can I help? I'll be your friend: discussion in junior mathematics
Kindergarten Children Who Cause Concern
Teasing and Bullying Among Young High School Students
Students-at-risk: identification and intervention: a case study
Gambling with maths
Educational strategies for Chronically ill students - with a special section on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
There Will Still Be Days: Profile of a Truant
Three Dozen's a Crowd
Activity, Fitness, Mental Health, and Mood
Drawing What You Know and Feel: Finding out what school beginners really think of teaching and schooling
Breaking Down The Barriers: A Health Initiative Involving School and Community
Constructing adolescent bodies: Some problems for health promotion through physical education
Road Safety Education for Young Children: Learning or playing?
Children's Understanding of the Superheroes
Why so many adolescent girls want to lose weight
Suggestions from children on how to help us behave
Play as healing
Classroom Discipline: Teachers' Preferences
The Dynamics of support Circles
Family Violence and Children: How schools can respond
Violence in schools: principals' perspectives
Visual skills for learning
Dimensions of social behaviours: Five-year-olds at school
Special Places, Special People: The hidden curriculum of school grounds
Helping left-handed children
Giving voice to young children
Adult-child relationships in early childhood programmes
Factors impacting on children's adjustment to the first year of primary school
Self-esteem and self-talk enhancement in upper primary school children
D.A.R.E. to scrutinise
Conflict resolution at Mackay State High School: Ongoing case study
Playground politics: Social interactions of children with disabilities in regular and special school playgrounds
The value of Keeping Ourselves Safe, The views of intermediate school students and their parents
Developing emotional intelligence in the classroom
Creating a culture of respect: A state secondary school's journey
Multiage grouping in Victorian schools: Does it make a difference?
Behaviour and violence
Future teachers' perceptions of Australian indigenous people
Bullying in schools: Issues for New Zealand teachers
An ecological approach to understanding behaviour: Comprehensive and culturally appropriate strategies towards student success
The behaving school
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD): Clues and strategies for coping at school
Students with disabilities and their parents talk about friendships and relationships at school
Inclusion: What happened after Special Education 2000?
“Don’t eat other people’s lunch”: Children’s views of starting school
Teacher feedback to students in numeracy lessons: Are students getting good value?
Can we keep it? Yes we can!: A summary of the Books in Homes programme evaluation
"I was born with a few disabilities—this does not stop me from trying my best and I give most things a go." Inclusion from the perspectives of students with disabilities
Let's ask: "Is the content important to our students?"
An integrative curriculum approach to road safety education
Young people and bereavement
"I feel I belong here": The culture and ethos of inclusive schools
Text-bullying: is it related to relational or verbal aggression?
Behaviour intervention: a pilot programme
Hand-hygiene facilities and food-safety education: A survey of New Zealand schools
Influences on Pasifika students' achievement in literacy
“Students First” and nurturing networks: Visualising positive futures for New Zealand secondary students
Supporting the development of a positive school culture
Embracing the power of texting: Eliminating playground noncompliance and aggression
Abusive and inappropriate sexual behaviour among Years 7 and 8 students: A survey of teachers
A burning issue: What is the impact of school fires?
Viewing schools as a health and wellbeing system: Does this fit with the revised curriculum?
Enabling students to lead the way: Healthy lifestyles and healthy futures
Play, prey or “sexploration”? Understanding and responding to sexual actions by children at primary school
Bullying on the bus: prevalence and prevention
Spotlight on children's issues: an interview with Anne Smith
To intervene, or not to intervene, that is the question
Explicit teaching of social skills: Does it lead to behaviour change?
Wellbeing at School: Building a safe and caring school climate that deters bullying
Learning to "be" in a new century: reflections on a curriculum in transition
Wellbeing at School Building a safe and caring school climate that deters bullying
The changing face of Fruit in Schools: The 2008 case studies
The changing face of Fruit in Schools: Technical report
The changing face of Fruit in Schools: 2009 overview report
Taking a bite of the apple: The implementation of Fruit in Schools. Appendices (which include the 2006 case studies)
Taking a bite of the apple: The implementation of Fruit in Schools (Healthy Futures evaluation report to the Ministry of Health)
Life Education - Making a difference. An evaluation for the Life Education Trust
Background of students in Alternative Education: Interviews with a selected 2008 cohort
Teacher education and the hidden curriculum of heteronormativity