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Self-managing schools in New Zealand: The fifth year - 1994
Future-oriented science education conference: Summary of the discussion
Teaching for present and future competency: A productive focus for professional learning
Sampling Methods for the NZCER Primary National Survey
Building a future-oriented science education system in New Zealand: How are we doing?
Kia Puāwaitia Ngā Tūmanako Critical Issues for Whānau in Māori Education
e-in-science: Scoping the possibilities
Curriculum support in science
Handbook of Research on Student Engagement
Opportunities for Teacher Collaborative Practices in a Self-Managed School System: the New Zealand Experience
The shape of curriculum change
The shape of curriculum change
Curriculum Implementation Exploratory Studies 2: Final report
The Work of Accent Advisers
The impact of Futureintech
The contributions of learning in the arts. Part 2: A synthesis
The contributions of learning in the arts. Part 1: A review of the literature
New orthodoxies? The politics of alternative education in New Zealand
Student Perspectives on Leaving School, Pathways, and Careers (A Report from the Competent Learners Project)
Literacy teaching and learning for the 21st century - Bridging the theory to practice gap
New Zealand curriculum implementation exploratory studies: Final Report
Taking a "future focus" in education—what does it mean?
Self-managing schools conference - what's best for our children? Conference proceedings, 1991
Making progress - Measuring progress: Conference proceedings March 2008
Engaging Young People in Learning: Why Does It Matter and What Can We Do?: Conference Proceedings 2009
Six years old and competent
Teachers of Promise: Is teaching their first career choice?
Environmental education: A place in the curriculum?
Educational vouchers: The research evidence
Developing an ethic of caring through narrative pedagogy
Assessing key competencies: Why would we? How could we?
Complex or complicated change? What can biology education learn from disciplinary biology?
The changing face of Fruit in Schools: The 2008 case studies
The changing face of Fruit in Schools: Technical report
The changing face of Fruit in Schools: 2009 overview report
Learning to teach: A literature review of induction theory and practice
Taking a bite of the apple: The implementation of Fruit in Schools. Appendices (which include the 2006 case studies)
Taking a bite of the apple: The implementation of Fruit in Schools (Healthy Futures evaluation report to the Ministry of Health)
Successful home-school partnerships
Student movement and schools - what are the issues?
Shifting the frame: Exploring integration of the Key Competencies at six Normal Schools
Self-managing schools in New Zealand: The fifth year
Self-assessment: What teachers think
School resources, culture and connections: NZCER National Survey Thematic Report
School planning and reporting in action: The early years of the new framework
Picking up the pieces - review of special education 2000
Evaluation of Kaupapa Ara Whakawhiti Mātauranga (KAWM)
Educational issues for communities affected by transience and residential mobility: report on phase 1 (2003-2004)
Exploratory study of Home-School Partnership: Numeracy
Evaluation of the Literacy Professional Development Project
At the centre of the web: The role of the New Zealand primary school principal within a decentralized education system
Competent children at 6: Families, early education, and schools
National standards for mathematics: where to set the bar?
Tomorrow’s Schools after 20 years: can a system of self-managing schools live up to its initial aims?
NZCER background paper on national standards for literacy and numeracy