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Assessing how schools are responding to the Equity Index
Schools' carbon footprint pilot: Final report
Leadership and school-wide climate responses: Research briefing 2
Climate change: What can schools do? Research briefing 1
"It's who we are" Stories of practice and change from PB4L School-Wide Schools
Schools and Inequality
Science 2.0 and school science
Key messages about change in schools: A literature scan for Sport New Zealand
Building a science curriculum with an effective nature of science component
Swimming out of our depth? Leading learning in 21st century schools
Supporting future-oriented learning and teaching - a New Zealand perspective
School-wide Assessment: Evidence of Student Achievement: Portfolio Systems
School Aquatic Education Programmes and Pools
Educating healthy citizens in New Zealand schools: Students leading the way
Learning to reinvent the school curriculum
The shape of curriculum change
The shape of curriculum change
Curriculum Implementation Exploratory Studies 2: Final report
The Work of Accent Advisers
From community engagement in education to public engagement with education
Learning to be a new school: Building a curriculum for new times
The impact of Futureintech
NZCER evaluation of the Regional Education for Enterprise (E4E) Clusters
Wellbeing at School: Building a safe and caring school climate that deters bullying
Literacy and eLearning: Possibilities for transformation
Themes from the curriculum implementation case studies. Milestone report for November 2008
New Zealand curriculum implementation exploratory studies: Final Report
New Zealand curriculum update
Analysis of a set of student data
Science curricula
Self-managing schools conference - what's best for our children? Conference proceedings, 1991
Engaging Young People in Learning: Why Does It Matter and What Can We Do?: Conference Proceedings 2009
Eight years old and competent: The third stage of the Competent Children project - a summary of the main findings
Twelve Years Old and Competent
The case for reading recovery
School planning and reporting: Is it making a difference to student learning?
Assessment Resource Banks: From national testing to a school-based resource
Complex or complicated change? What can biology education learn from disciplinary biology?
What is the reality of school competition?
Teachers as lifelong learners
Sustaining school development in a decentralised system: Lessons from New Zealand
Students as lifelong learners: Reflections on student data from the evaluation of the Curriculum Innovations Projects
What is the reality of school competition?
School-based curriculum development: Redefining the term for New Zealand schools today and tomorrow
Role of partnerships in environmental education in New Zealand schools
Parental and community involvement in schools: Opportunities and challenges for school change
Innovative pathways from secondary school: Gaining a sense of direction
Whaia te iti Kahurangi: NZCER evaluation: 2004
Wellbeing at School Building a safe and caring school climate that deters bullying
School-Based Curriculum Development: Principles, Processes, and Practices
The changing face of Fruit in Schools: The 2008 case studies
The changing face of Fruit in Schools: Technical report
The changing face of Fruit in Schools: 2009 overview report
Ten years on: How schools view educational reform
Literature review for the evaluation of the digital opportunities projects
Can vouchers deliver better education? A review of the literature, with special reference to New Zealand
Benefits of immersion education
Taking a bite of the apple: The implementation of Fruit in Schools. Appendices (which include the 2006 case studies)
Taking a bite of the apple: The implementation of Fruit in Schools (Healthy Futures evaluation report to the Ministry of Health)
Sustaining school improvement: ten primary schools' journeys: A summary
Sustaining school improvement : Ten primary schools' journeys
Summary of the New Zealand literature on recruitment and retention of school leaders: Issues, challenges, trends, and strategies for succession planning
Successful home-school partnerships
Student movement and schools - what are the issues?
What can New Zealand learn from Edmonton?
Shifting the frame: Exploring integration of the Key Competencies at six Normal Schools
Self-assessment: What teachers think - Summary report for teachers
Self-assessment: What teachers think
School resources, culture and connections: NZCER National Survey Thematic Report
School governance in New Zealand - How is it working?
Principal Appointments Data Report
Evaluation of the practice of environmental education in New Zealand schools
Picking up the pieces - review of special education 2000
Faction or fiction: Using narrative pedagogy in school science education
Evaluating technology-rich ICT initiatives in schools: what does the literature tell us?
Challenge for educational transformation: Achieving the aim of 'thinking and acting locally, nationally and globally' in a devolved education system
NZPF 2001 transience survey: NZCER analysis check
Evaluation of SPELD in New Zealand: Phase I
Enterprising and future-focused? The first report from the Regional Education for Enterprise Clusters Evaluation
Educational issues for communities affected by transience and residential mobility: report on phase 1 (2003-2004)
Education for Enterprise (E4E) 2008 surveys
How do effective schools manage their finances?
Exploratory study of Home-School Partnership: Numeracy
Evaluation of the Northland Enterprising Teachers (NET) initiative: final report
Competent children at 10: Families, early education, and schools
Creating digital age learners through school ICT projects: What can the Tech Angels project teach us?
Classroom Assessment Practices in English and Mathematics at Years 5, 7, and 9
Competent children at 12
An increasing tightness - pressure points for schools’ financial management
Learning to reinvent the school curriculum
Primary science education for the 21st century: How, what, why?
Inspired by science
National standards for mathematics: where to set the bar?
What it looks like when it’s going well …
Evaluation of SPELD in New Zealand: Phase II
NZCER background paper on national standards for literacy and numeracy
Planning and managing change: Messages from the Curriculum Innovation Projects