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Decolonising our approaches to educational research—Learning from our shared experiences at Rangahau Mātauranga o Aotearoa (NZCER)
Assessing how schools are responding to the Equity Index
My FRIENDS Youth final evaluation report
Reviewing the game plan: What can be learnt from the first year of
Reflecting on evaluation practice by considering an educative values-engaged approach: How would it have changed this utilisation-focused evaluation?
It's, like, trying to make us better people - My FRIENDS Youth final evaluation report
Creating a space for student voice in an educational evaluation
Supporting a system-wide shift from advice and guidance to educative mentoring
2015 Annual Evaluation Report for the Teach First NZ programme pilot delivered in partnership with the University of Auckland
Patterns of student progress in the Intensive Wraparound Service
Strengthening the strategic leadership of New Zealand principals: Summary
2014 Annual Evaluation Report for the Teach First NZ Programme
Evaluation of the Manaiakalani Digital Teaching Academy
Findings from the first phase of the evaluation of PB4L School-Wide
Year 2 Evaluation - Getting Runs on the Board
"A positive culture of support" Final report from the evaluation of PB4L School-Wide
Strengthening the strategic leadership of New Zealand principals
PB4L School-wide Evaluation: Preliminary findings
2013 Annual Evaluation Report for the Teach First NZ programme pilot delivered in partnership with the University of Auckland
Participating and contributing? The role of school and community in supporting civic and citizenship education
New Zealand students' intentions towards participation in the democratic processes: New Zealand results from the International Civic and Citizenship Education Study
School-wide Assessment: Evidence of Student Achievement: Portfolio Systems
The shape of curriculum change
The shape of curriculum change
Curriculum Implementation Exploratory Studies 2: Final report
The Work of Accent Advisers
The impact of Futureintech
How Well is Reading Recovery Really Working in New Zealand? Reply to Chapman, Greaney and Tunmer
New Zealand curriculum implementation exploratory studies: Final Report
The changing face of Fruit in Schools: The 2008 case studies
The changing face of Fruit in Schools: Technical report
The changing face of Fruit in Schools: 2009 overview report
Te Hiringa i Te Mahara: The power of the mind: Evaluation report
Taking a bite of the apple: The implementation of Fruit in Schools. Appendices (which include the 2006 case studies)
Taking a bite of the apple: The implementation of Fruit in Schools (Healthy Futures evaluation report to the Ministry of Health)
School governance in New Zealand - How is it working?
Quality in parent / whānau-led services, and the factors that support it: Technical Report
Playing the game - The impact of classroom use of the CD-ROM 'The Game and other stories' on eleven reluctant readers
MEANZ and NSTP Mentoring Pilot Programme Evaluation
Locality-based evaluation of Pathways to the Future—Ngā Huarahi Arataki: Stage 1 report
Locality-based evaluation of Pathways to the Future—Ngā Huarahi Arataki: Stage 1 baseline report
Investigating quality learning experiences in parent and whānau-led early childhood services: background report
Evaluation of the Business of Science initiative: Final research report
Evaluation of SPELD in New Zealand: Phase I
Evaluation of professional development to support the arts in the New Zealand curriculum
Life Education - Making a difference. An evaluation for the Life Education Trust
Evaluation of Home-School Partnership: Numeracy
Evaluation of 'Arts Professional Development Online' in support of 'The arts in the New Zealand curriculum'
Enterprising and future-focused? The first report from the Regional Education for Enterprise Clusters Evaluation
Evaluation of Youth Pathways/He Ara Rangatahi
Evaluation of two ECD services: Licensing & chartering advice & support to licence-exempt playgroups
Evaluation of the Northland Enterprising Teachers (NET) initiative: final report
Evaluation of the Home-School Partnership: Literacy Programme
Education for Enterprise (E4E) 2007 surveys
Curriculum changes, priorities and issues: findings from the NZCER secondary 2006 and primary 2007 national surveys
Assessment for Foundation Learning: The importance of purposeful assessment in adult literacy, numeracy and language courses
Zooming in on learning in the digital age (ZILDA): Report 1: Zooming in on 'digital' age learners
Evaluation of SPELD in New Zealand: Phase II