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Secondary principals’ perspectives from NZCER's 2022 National Survey of Schools
Schools' carbon footprint pilot: Final report
An Observation Survey of Early Literacy Achievement
Acts of learning worth learning from
WAPA 2020: Gains and insights from an enduring school network
Literacy research that matters. A review of the school sector and ECE literacy projects
Different ways of thinking about learning
Schools and Inequality
Building a science curriculum with an effective nature of science component
e-in-science: Scoping the possibilities
Laying learning foundations to lift success at NCEA level 3
Swimming out of our depth? Leading learning in 21st century schools
Deliberate design: An analysis of the 2010–11 School Journals and Teacher Support Materials
Supporting future-oriented learning and teaching - a New Zealand perspective
Zooming in on Learning in the Digital Age: A Literature Review
The potential of career management competencies for renewed focus and direction in career education
Handbook of Research on Student Engagement
School-wide Assessment: Evidence of Student Achievement: Portfolio Systems
Literacy, language and numeracy: connecting research to practice in the tertiary sector
The transfer of literacy, language and numeracy skills from learning programmes into the workplace
The transfer of literacy, language and numeracy skills from learning programmes into the workplace: Literature review
The Development of Leadership Capability in a Self-Managing Schools System: the New Zealand Experience and Challenges
Exploring connections between engagement and student voice
The Work of Accent Advisers
Learning to be a new school: Building a curriculum for new times
National Standards, moderation challenges and teacher learning
The contributions of learning in the arts: Literary review and summary brochure
The contributions of learning in the arts. Part 2: A synthesis
The contributions of learning in the arts. Part 1: A review of the literature
A focus on opportunities to learn and student engagement
Making progress - Measuring progress: Conference proceedings March 2008
Engaging Young People in Learning: Why Does It Matter and What Can We Do?: Conference Proceedings 2009
Educating for the 21st Century: Rethinking the educational outcomes we want for young New Zealanders. Conference proceedings, 2003
The case for reading recovery
Interplay of context and concepts in primary school children's systems thinking
Engaging students in science
Assessing key competencies: Why would we? How could we?
Complex or complicated change? What can biology education learn from disciplinary biology?
Curriculum, learning and effective pedagogy in science education for New Zealand: Introduction to special issue
Young children's emergent self-regulated learning skills in a primary science investigation
Young children's emergent self-regulated learning skills in a primary science investigation
Unpacking the key competencies: What does it mean for primary schools?
Self-regulated learning in the mathematics class
Putting learning to work: the distance learner and transfer of learning
Progress in 21st century education?
Principles of effective practice in supporting students to become self-regulated learners
Māori pedagogies: A view from the literature
Leisure activities and adolescent engagement in school learning
Thinking together to become 21st century teachers
Curriculum, Learning and Effective Pedagogy: a literature review in science education
Characteristics of professional development linked to enhanced pedagogy and children's learning in early childhood settings: A best evidence synthesis
Shaping our futures: Meeting secondary students' learning needs in a time of evolving qualifications: final report of the Learning Curves project
Seeing yourself in science
Faction or fiction: Using narrative pedagogy in school science education
Learning and teaching stories: Action research on evaluation in early childhood education: Final report to the Ministry of Education
Evaluation of the CAS pilot project
Education and enterprise: Learning at the interface
Early literacy: Quality teaching and learning in Pasifika early childhood education
Competencies at age 14 and competency development for the Competent Children, Competent Learners study sample
Competent Learners @ 16: Competency levels and development over time - Technical report
Competent Learners @ 16: Competency levels and development over time
Assessment for Foundation Learning: The importance of purposeful assessment in adult literacy, numeracy and language courses
Unpacking the key competencies: What does it mean for primary schools?
Should students learn to ‘read’ science writing from the media?
Literacy teaching and learning in e-Learning contexts
Organising for Emergence
O le ulua 'i faitautusi ma le tusitusi: O a'oa'oga maoa'e ma lona a'oa'oina i a'oga amata a le Pasifika
Documenting learning of the key competencies: What are the issues? A discussion paper.
On transfer: The distance learner and the transfer of learning