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Decolonising our approaches to educational research—Learning from our shared experiences at Rangahau Mātauranga o Aotearoa (NZCER)
Secondary principals’ perspectives from NZCER's 2022 National Survey of Schools
Climate change and sustainability in primary and intermediate schools report
Games, gamification, and game design for learning: Innovative practice and possibilities in New Zealand schools
Learning to learn in secondary classrooms
Strengthening engagements between schools and the science community
NCEA and Curriculum Innovation
e-in-science: Scoping the possibilities
Curriculum support in science
Participating and contributing? The role of school and community in supporting civic and citizenship education
New Zealand students' intentions towards participation in the democratic processes: New Zealand results from the International Civic and Citizenship Education Study
The primary school curriculum: Assimilation, adaptation, transformation
Library of experiences
A junior version of the “whole game” of science
Learning to reinvent the school curriculum
The shape of curriculum change
The shape of curriculum change
Curriculum Implementation Exploratory Studies 2: Final report
A basketful of assessment riches
Learning to be a new school: Building a curriculum for new times
The contributions of learning in the arts. Part 2: A synthesis
The contributions of learning in the arts. Part 1: A review of the literature
NZCER evaluation of the Regional Education for Enterprise (E4E) Clusters
Thinking in Science
Literacy teaching and learning for the 21st century - Bridging the theory to practice gap
Themes from the curriculum implementation case studies. Milestone report for November 2008
New Zealand curriculum implementation exploratory studies: Final Report
New Zealand curriculum update
Analysis of a set of student data
Taking a "future focus" in education—what does it mean?
Change in the school curriculum: Looking to the future
Introduction to the assessment resource banks (ARBs) and their diagnostic potential
Environmental education: A place in the curriculum?
Engaging students in science
Complex or complicated change? What can biology education learn from disciplinary biology?
Curriculum, learning and effective pedagogy in science education for New Zealand: Introduction to special issue
Simple teaching strategies to use during primary science investigations
Well I know I need English and Maths ...
Unpacking the key competencies: What does it mean for primary schools?
Time for critical thinking in secondary science?
School-based curriculum development: Redefining the term for New Zealand schools today and tomorrow
Role of partnerships in environmental education in New Zealand schools
Meaning making for democratic participation
Potential of assessment resource banks as sources of information on student performance and for curriculum evaluation
Learning curves: Meeting student needs in an evolving qualification regime - key findings from the first stage of a longitudinal study
Using NEMP to inform the teaching of science skills
School-Based Curriculum Development: Principles, Processes, and Practices
Curriculum, Learning and Effective Pedagogy: a literature review in science education
Shifting the frame: Exploring integration of the Key Competencies at six Normal Schools
Seeing yourself in science
Information skills in the New Zealand curriculum: A blueprint for education?
Evaluation of the practice of environmental education in New Zealand schools
Playing the game - The impact of classroom use of the CD-ROM 'The Game and other stories' on eleven reluctant readers
Cultural issues that challenge traditional science teaching
Faction or fiction: Using narrative pedagogy in school science education
Essentials of numeracy
Changing school subjects for changing times
Nature of the key competencies: A background paper
Messages about reading
Learning curves: Meeting student needs in an evolving qualifications regime: From cabbages to kings: A first report
Learning curves: Meeting student learning needs in an evolving qualifications regime: Shared pathways and multiple tracks: A second report
Evaluation of the Business of Science initiative: Final research report
Evaluation of the Books in Homes programme
Evaluation of professional development to support the arts in the New Zealand curriculum
Evaluation of 'Arts Professional Development Online' in support of 'The arts in the New Zealand curriculum'
Enterprising and future-focused? The first report from the Regional Education for Enterprise Clusters Evaluation
Education for Enterprise (E4E) 2008 surveys
First NZCER national survey of early childhood education services: 2003-2004
Evaluation of the Literacy Professional Development Project
Evaluation of the CAS pilot project
Education and enterprise: Learning at the interface
Early childhood education services in 2007: key findings from the NZCER survey
Curriculum changes, priorities and issues: findings from the NZCER secondary 2006 and primary 2007 national surveys
Course innovation in the senior secondary curriculum: A snapshot taken in July 2007
Clustering students by their subject choices in the Learning Curves Project
Assessment practices and aspects of curriculum in early childhood education
An evaluation of the CAS Pilot Project 2006-2007
Unpacking the key competencies: What does it mean for primary schools?
Learning to reinvent the school curriculum
More complex than skills: Rethinking the relationship between key competencies and curriculum content
What it looks like when it’s going well …
Should students learn to ‘read’ science writing from the media?
The Evolving NCEA
Reshaping the secondary school curriculum: Building the plane while flying it?
Community engagement and The New Zealand Curriculum
Literacy teaching and learning in e-Learning contexts
Lifelong Literacy: The integration of key competencies and reading
Working with the New Zealand Curriculum principles
Organising for Emergence
Planning and managing change: Messages from the Curriculum Innovation Projects