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Science education
Science education
Enduring competencies for designing science learning pathways
An initial exploration of curriculum levels in Science and Mathematics and Statistics
Developing primary science teacher expertise: Thinking about the system
Science capabilities for a functional understanding of the nature of science
Capabilities for living and lifelong learning: What's science got to do with it?
Environmental education in New Zealand schools: Research update 2015
Investing in the pretend: A drama inquiry process to support learning about the nature of science
Digging deeper into National Monitoring Study of Student Achievement data
Digital technologies and future-oriented science education
Future-oriented science education conference: Summary of the discussion
Partnerships: Building a future-oriented science education in Aotearoa New Zealand
Supporting teachers' work
Science professional development and learning
Building a future-oriented science education system: Are we nearly there yet?
What makes it science? Primary teacher practices that support learning about science
Rethinking professional learning and development in primary science
Relevant, useful, and meaningful learning opportunities in science using Building Science Concepts
Building a future-oriented science education system in New Zealand: How are we doing?
The benefits of collaborative Content Representation (CoRe) design with experts for early career secondary teachers in science and technology
Reflecting on purposes for learning science
e-in-science: Future-oriented science learning
e-in-science: Developing innovation
Strengthening engagements between schools and the science community
National Monitoring Study of Student Achievement: Wānangatia te putanga tauira
Science 2.0 and school science
Building a science curriculum with an effective nature of science component
e-in-science: Scoping the possibilities
Science community engagement with schools
Curriculum support in science
Making the most of science learning opportunities in the primary school
Integrating ethics into primary science programmes
Library of experiences
A junior version of the “whole game” of science
Māori and future food technologies
Testing on the net: Assessment Resource Banks in mathematics and science
The technical language children use at home
Avoiding “Magical” Thinking in Children: The Case for Teachers’ Science Subject Knowledge
The SCIAnTICT project: Technology-enhanced teaching and learning of primary science
The challenges of graph interpretation in science
Planning and developing a social studies programme: a case for “serious talk” in the syndicate
An analysis of the high representation of scientific and mathematical disciplines in New Zealand Scholarship Premier awards
Ripples of action: Strengthening environmental competency in an early childhood centre
Becoming ecologically sustainable in early childhood education
Children's Attitudes to the Natural Environment
The Greenhouse effect: what do we, and our pupils, need to consider?
Out of the Frying Pan... Learning and Teaching in First Year University Biological Sciences
Task Design, Dialogue and Learning
Taking science in chunks: Students' Reactions to Modular Science and Internal Assessment
Wonderland Beyond the BLACK HOLE
Don't compare, complement: Making the best use of Science Centres and Museums
The Draw-a-Scientist Test: What do young children think of science and scientists?
What do students know in science? Analysis of data from the Assessment Resource Banks
Diagnosing misconceptions in science: Understanding Planet Earth and Beyond
Student interest in science: Analysis of data from the Assessment Resource Banks
Building a “vocabulary of experiences”: Supporting children’s learning in science centres
When schooldays are over, what sense of science lingers?
You can’t investigate in a vacuum
Chinese-speaking students' perceptions of learning science in English in New Zealand
Environmental education in New Zealand schools: Characteristics and achievements
"In, about, and for": Exploring the foundations of environmental education
Environmental education in New Zealand schools: Challenges for sustainability
Māori students in science and mathematics: Junior programmes in secondary schools
Helping students to use metacognition
Putting the Nature of Science strand into the water cycle
More than talk and writing: Exploring the multimodal nature of classroom interactions
Making connections in the teaching and learning of science and technology
Exploring the use of an interactive whiteboard in a primary science classroom
Connecting science teachers with their Māori students: Linking one school’s tuata with forest ecology
Challenges for science education
Changing the assessment focus in science
Let it rip—Patero at its best!
Students' perspectives on teacher questioning in the secondary classroom
The impact of Futureintech
Thinking in Science
Learning scientific knowledge from and with others
Engaging whānau with children's science learning
ICT in primary science: Insights from the TELA evaluation
Thinking in science—What might progress look like?
Reframing the essential skills: Implications for and from the science curriculum.
Thinking about the "big picture": how can school science contribute?
Some musings about the links between formative assessment and the development of key competencies
Science curricula
Where are your science students going (and how can you help them get there)?
Teaching the 'nature of science': Modest adaptations or radical reconceptions?
Students' choices of year 12 science disciplines: what do we know?
Interplay of context and concepts in primary school children's systems thinking
"I know something about forces." Self-regulated learning during science investigations in a junior classroom
Environmental education: A place in the curriculum?
Engaging teachers in re-imagining curriculum
Engaging students in science
Developing an ethic of caring through narrative pedagogy
Complex or complicated change? What can biology education learn from disciplinary biology?
Curriculum, learning and effective pedagogy in science education for New Zealand: Introduction to special issue
Young children's emergent self-regulated learning skills in a primary science investigation
Young children's emergent self-regulated learning skills in a primary science investigation
Simple teaching strategies to use during primary science investigations
Sharing science: Knowing the audience
Time for critical thinking in secondary science?
Using NEMP to inform the teaching of science skills
Curriculum, Learning and Effective Pedagogy: a literature review in science education
Staying in Science 2 : Transition to tertiary study from the perspectives of New Zealand Year 13 science students
Shifting balances: The impact of level 1 NCEA on teaching of mathematics and science
Seeing yourself in science
Science and the general public in 2005
Cultural issues that challenge traditional science teaching
Faction or fiction: Using narrative pedagogy in school science education
Commonsense, trust and biotechnology: Moving beyond 'Corngate'
Assessment dilemmas when “21st century” learning approaches shift students into unfamiliar terrain
Evaluation of the Business of Science initiative: Final research report
Evaluation of the 'Time for critical thought' resource
Environmental education in New Zealand schools: Research into current practice and future possibilities
Commonsense, trust and science: How patterns of beliefs and attitudes to science pose challenges for effective communication
ICT in support of science teaching and learning: Teaching landforms and erosion
Primary science education for the 21st century: How, what, why?
Inspired by science
Should students learn to ‘read’ science writing from the media?
Public attitudes to science: rethinking outreach activities