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Margaret May Blackwell Travel Fellowship

Applications for the 2023 Margaret Blackwell Fellowship are now closed. 

The Margaret M Blackwell Travel Fellowship is for people working in early childhood education. The Fellowship is awarded annually to the value of $20,000 and is intended to enable the recipient to travel overseas to gain further experience and subsequently to disseminate that information for the benefit of early childhood education in New Zealand.  

Please note that travel undertaken with the Fellowship should occur within 12 months of the awarding date. Read about past holders of the Fellowship to get an idea of the research that has been supported in the past. 

The Fellowship is available to early childhood education practitioners in New Zealand

The Fellowship is awarded annually. It is for a travel period of up to three months but for not less than six weeks. The award is for up to $20,000 and is for travel and accommodation. The Fellowship is open to current practitioners in the broad field of early childhood education in New Zealand. Those eligible to apply are:

  1. Teachers, supervisors and workers from all sectors of early childhood education
  2. Lecturers in appropriate disciplines in tertiary institutions.
  3. Ministry of Education personnel and those in an education agency, working in early childhood education.

The travel study Fellowship is offered for the purposes of:

  1. Preserving the memory of Margaret May Blackwell as an early childhood educator of note.
  2. Promoting ongoing study and research of the development,  practice, organisation, and philosophy of early childhood education;
  3. Providing opportunity to study in other countries, in areas of interest with relevance, national significance and benefit to New Zealand; 
  4. Permitting people of calibre and expertise in the area of early childhood education to have the opportunity to travel and to study overseas.

The criteria for selection will include:

  1. Extent to which the area of interest is relevant to early childhood education in New Zealand. The applicant needs to provide a clear rationale for the choice of topic and country or countries.
  2. Extent to which the activities to be undertaken while overseas are worthwhile and relevant.
  3. Potential for benefit to the early childhood education sector in New Zealand, including quality of plans for dissemination.
  4. Applicant has relevant experience in the topic area and demonstrated ability to gain professional benefit from the Fellowship.

Please submit inquiries via email to: