Kia Tangi Te Tītī - Permission to Speak

Kia Tangi Te Tītī - Permission to Speak


This book explores what constitutes successful schooling for Māori students in the 21st century.

Editor Paul Whitinui has drawn together academic contributions from diverse fields of mätauranga (education), mätauranga hinengaro (psychology), whakaako hauora (health), akoranga takakau-ā-ora (sport and leisure) and others. The book aims to provide a critical, reflective and forward-thinking view of how schooling for Māori students can be improved. The writers canvas topics such as the importance of te reo, Māori pedagogies, culturally relevant assessment, education strategies to develop Māori scientists and creating a culture of care. Underpinning it all is a powerful call for recognition of Māori as culturally connected learners.

This book is for researchers, policy makers, school leaders, and Māori communities looking at positive, creative and dynamic ways of improving schooling for Māori students.

The foreword is by Dr Turoa Royal.

Paul Whitinui, Ngāpuhi, Ngātikuri and Pākehā, is a senior lecturer at Aotahi: School of Māori and Indigenous Studies at the University of Canterbury.

Digital editions

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