set 1988 : no. 1

One divorce can create two step-families, and as the pool of men and women available for remarriage grows the increase in step-families outstrips the rate of divorce. In 1981, 29.1% of all marriages in Australia involved one or both parties who had been previously divorced.
During 1984, 1985 and 1986, 29 couples took part in a research project on step-families, attending a six session educational programme entitled 'Living in a Step-family'. In the 1986 programme they completed pre-… Read more

In 1984 I heard it claimed that, 'Teachers rarely report child abuse, partly because they lack knowledge of how to identify and report and partly because they are reluctant to get involved in legal proceedings which might arise.'
Feeling sure that the claim was unsound- that teachers did report their concerns - I searched the literature and found, to my horror, that it is justified. In official statistics teachers were among the lowest reporters of child abuse in all countries which… Read more

An everyday discussion involves an issue and a sense of argument and debate, examination and consideration. Hence we say that something is 'under consideration' or 'open to discussion' and mean that it has in some sense been undecided or unresolved . In discussion we offer views and ideas, and consider and comment on the views and ideas of the others.
Many teachers are disappointed with the quantity and quality of interaction when their classes are discussing something. Although where… Read more

Homework is tradition that has survived waves of enthusiasm and of disenchantment. The famous report in the USA called A Nation at Risk, prescribed 'more homework' as one remedy for education's many ills. Other reports, however, caution that homework hasn't produced the benefits claimed for it; more of the same medicine isn't the answer, they assert. This report examines the case for homework in the light of recent research and expert testimony. The review concludes with recommendations for… Read more