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A code of silence is broken. Here are the health problems that are not often talked about in the staffroom.
| Year published: 1995 | Publication type: Journal article | Publisher: NZCER Press | Content type: Set article
Can a group interview be fair and effective? Successful and unsuccessful applicants to the Auckland College of Education express their opinions.
| Year published: 1995 | Publication type: Journal article | Publisher: NZCER Press | Content type: Set article
What is good thinking? Creative thinking is always a pleasure. Critical thinking tends to get a bad press, but it is just as necessary. Here it is carefully analysed, and research adds insights on...
| Year published: 1994 | Publication type: Journal article | Publisher: NZCER Press | Content type: Set article
In the 'salad bowl' of ethnic and cultural diversity of Hawai'i, there are attempts to make school work more relevant to all cultures, including involuntary minorities such as the indigenous...
| Year published: 1994 | Publication type: Journal article | Publisher: NZCER Press | Content type: Set article
Teachers can successfully encourage learners to be better thinkers. A research study of techniques for teaching metacognition (thinking about thinking) to 8-year-olds leads to conclusions about how...
| Year published: 1994 | Publication type: Journal article | Publisher: NZCER Press | Content type: Set article
A student in her final year at a College of Education reflects on a lesson she gave, taped and transcribed. A model of self-appraisal, which will also stimulate thoughts about how to teach junior...
| Year published: 1994 | Publication type: Journal article | Publisher: NZCER Press | Content type: Set article
Many teachers are having to join the ranks of the relief, supply, mobile, or emergency teachers. Questions to emergency teachers reveal their problems and show how schools can assist them in their...
| Year published: 1993 | Publication type: Journal article | Publisher: NZCER Press | Content type: Set article
When principals choose young teachers for their school do they get the teachers they want? A College of Education looks at how its graduates are appreciated, and what could be done to...
| Year published: 1993 | Publication type: Journal article | Publisher: NZCER Press | Content type: Set article
There is bad power and good power, power that you resent and power you respect. The power a teacher can wield is examined and ways to create power that flows from admiration and regard are explained...
| Year published: 1993 | Publication type: Journal article | Publisher: NZCER Press | Content type: Set article
When we asked which topic subscribers would most like to see research about, appraisal topped the list. This article looks at (a) appraisal for firing - helps administrators only, and...
| Year published: 1992 | Publication type: Journal article | Publisher: NZCER Press | Content type: Set article