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A review of the many research projects on how prior knowledge affects learning. Generally, having old knowledge to which new knowledge may be attached greatly assists learning the new.
| Year published: 1994 | Publication type: Journal article | Publisher: NZCER Press | Content type: Set article
The researchers had good reason to believe that teaching physics to young children would work best if children could rub their ideas against others. However, the ideas they are asked to investigate...
| Year published: 1994 | Publication type: Journal article | Publisher: NZCER Press | Content type: Set article
Listening to parents and teachers and then working on ways to close the gap between their widely differing expectations.
| Year published: 1994 | Publication type: Journal article | Publisher: NZCER Press | Content type: Set article
Teachers can successfully encourage learners to be better thinkers. A research study of techniques for teaching metacognition (thinking about thinking) to 8-year-olds leads to conclusions about how...
| Year published: 1994 | Publication type: Journal article | Publisher: NZCER Press | Content type: Set article
This classic research is reprinted from set No.1, 1983 because it has lost none of its relevance today. In suburbs where classes were increasing and decreasing in size, the effects of crowding on...
| Year published: 1994 | Publication type: Journal article | Publisher: NZCER Press | Content type: Set article
Two classroom research projects used co-operative learning to encourage cognitive progress. This meant, almost paradoxically, using conflict, and its subsequent resolution, to teach...
| Year published: 1993 | Publication type: Journal article | Publisher: NZCER Press | Content type: Set article
Some children learn best using verbal instructions and explanations; others prefer visual material. Some children learn well in one way, but prefer the other (at which they are not as...
| Year published: 1993 | Publication type: Journal article | Publisher: NZCER Press | Content type: Set article
New Zealanders, self-satisfied, pat themselves on the back for their excellent teaching of reading. One of the long-time reading gurus, Frank Smith, has written this thoughtful, if...
| Year published: 1992 | Publication type: Journal article | Publisher: NZCER Press | Content type: Set article
Many of our teaching techniques are based on behaviourist experiments of years ago. But behaviour analysis has moved on and discovered that most of what we do is governed by rules we...
| Year published: 1992 | Publication type: Journal article | Publisher: NZCER Press | Content type: Set article
Those who think that the education system should be fostering the competencies that make for enterprise are correct. However, the barriers that need to be overcome are surprising. This...
| Year published: 1992 | Publication type: Journal article | Publisher: NZCER Press | Content type: Set article