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Social competencies have been highlighted in New Zealand's new curriculum documents, but what criteria do teachers of five-year-olds use when they think about social behaviours?
| Year published: 1997 | Publication type: Journal article | Publisher: NZCER Press | Content type: Set article
Exciting ways young children use calculators. And no, calculators do not inhibit learning.
| Year published: 1995 | Publication type: Journal article | Publisher: NZCER Press | Content type: Set article
Many years of patient research have discovered how new ideas get formed, embedded, and remembered at the 8- to 12-year-old level. The conclusions are vital for all teaching.
| Year published: 1994 | Publication type: Journal article | Publisher: NZCER Press | Content type: Set article
7/16ths, is it bigger or smaller than 8/17ths?
Fractions are notoriously difficult. Difficult to learn and difficult to teach. I have carried out, with help, some research which throws light on the...
| Year published: 1989 | Publication type: Journal article | Publisher: NZCER Press | Content type: Set article
Over the past twelve months, I have been working with a group of Australian teachers in the mid-primary school, and with children of about the age of eight. The study which initiated this work is...
| Year published: 1989 | Publication type: Journal article | Publisher: NZCER Press | Content type: Set article
What number concepts and skills do children have when they start school? How has their understanding changed after a year? How aware are teachers of what the children know? What number concepts and...
| Year published: 1988 | Publication type: Journal article | Publisher: NZCER Press | Content type: Set article
Children often enjoy play fighting and wrestling together. From the preschool years onwards, this kind of play - often called rough-and-tumble play - is a common feature of school playgrounds or any...
| Year published: 1987 | Publication type: Journal article | Publisher: NZCER Press | Content type: Set article
Infant Teachers try to ensure that all young people in their classrooms have access to the necessary tools of trade. In some classrooms books, pencils, rubbers, rulers, sharpeners, etc. are kept in...
| Year published: 1987 | Publication type: Journal article | Publisher: NZCER Press | Content type: Set article
From her research into what makes some children difficult and what teachers do about it, Adrienne Rossiter makes practical and tested suggestions about how to arrange help for the child and the...
| Year published: 1986 | Publication type: Journal article | Publisher: NZCER Press | Content type: Early Childhood Folio article
During 1979-80 we were invited to work in three middle schools (with 8- to 13-year-olds) to clarify what counts as progress in writing. We decided to select, with the teachers, three or four children...
| Year published: 1986 | Publication type: Journal article | Publisher: NZCER Press | Content type: Set article